Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

You can play it for free for the next week.


Anyways I am installing it now, 61GB. Of course the bethesda launcher stopped working for like 3 minutes, then recovered. Glad I didn’t lose my download.

@KristiGaines this is your chance to try it!

And… made it to the overseer’s camp. Overall its not bad. There were 5 people in my starting area, and someone’s personal house less than 1 minute walk from the Vault 76 door, lol.

Well, I just spent an hour with it… I didn’t have any technical issues. I did feel a great sense of disappointment after seeing another player for the first time, though.

I’ve sunk a lot of hours into Bethesda games, but I’m not the target audience for this one.

I was shocked how little there was to do / steal from the starting Vault area. And then it doesn’t let you back in!

At least the game does finally does visually look up to current gen standards.

LK I saw that… I had a mind to wait till it had all its expansions and patches on steam… but the temptation will probably over come me…

I dun want it if it’s only on Bethesda Launcher. Thanks though.

I think one of the things that hasn’t been talked about, and was certainly a factor for me, was the hubris and general smarminess of Todd Howard. I cut Bethesda a lot of slack. I’ve played a lot of their games and enjoyed them, and before 76 had a lot of good will toward them, Todd Howard changed all that for me.

When I looked at the stated design ideas behind 76 before it was released, I saw obvious and glaring problems with a lot of the basic ideas and systems. Ok, it may not be a game for me, that’s ok, but some of this stuff was beyond personal taste, and came down to just a lack of experience dealing with the parameters of what you were trying to bite off. Even that would be not so much of a big deal for me, if it wasn’t for the amount of hubris that Todd Howard exemplified throughout not only the development, but post release. Howard managed to take a game I would be largely indifferent to, and turned it into something I actually was rooting for to fail. That’s probably contrary to what Bethesda has in mind for PR.

On numerous occasions, I’ve tried to put my personal distaste for his approach aside, but I just can’t separate the two. I can’t be the only person that feels this way.

It’s one thing to release an unfinished buggy game, but it’s another thing to do it with someone at the helm who is so full of their own vision that they are completely removed from reality. He seems to have gotten away with it largely unscathed, as he still has a job. That would have been the very first change I implemented to deal with the debacle of a launch.

I’ve hated Todd Howard since I saw him on TechTV talking about Fallout 3.
He’s gotten worse since then.

It is probably fortunate that I don’t know who Todd Howard is. It was rather painful experience just get to the point of downloading the game. Bethesda really wanted me to pay $30, oh well only 1:15 minutes left to download it ugh.

I ordered a replacement for my defunct One X while it’s on sale. And I went for the Fallout 76 edition. I get the game for little added money compared to the base One X and, unlike Battlefield V or Destiny 2, I’m actually looking forward to playing this one.

I spent a lot of time sightseeing and exploring dens, camps and vaults in Fallout 4. I enjoyed the base building a lot, and this will give me a whole lot more of that.

As for jank, after the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, come at me! :)

I’m hoping to enjoy it as much as @kallidain, @KevinC and @TheWombat .

I always find the amount of rancour and personal resentment gamers can pour into some threads surprising. They didn’t kill my puppy. :)

But count me amount the crazy people who actually spent money to get the game and are looking forward to it. I’ll be back for advice after the One X arrives.

That smiley face makes me angry.

The puppy one? Too soon after the movies? Sorry.

The West Virginia they’ve created is pretty amazing, though perhaps not up to Ubi’s open-world games. I really dislike a lot of the fumbling around they are experiencing with trying to make the multiplayer/MMO style stuff actually work, though. That’s the least interesting part of the game for me so far.

I got the game to run OK by forcing vsync off. This has to be done in two separate config files. Without it, borderless windowed mode was unplayable. Amazing that a year old game still has this bug.

Game seems alright. Got to level 5. I’ll might keep playing when it hits free.

This is as good a time as any for me to admit I have no idea what the different windowed/fullscreen/“borderless windowed” modes are or why they matter. I’ve seen it discussed in a few different games but haven’t had a need to understand it for myself since getting a PC again last year.

Can you explain what those mean?

Fullscreen is just like it sounds. If you go to another application (such as a web browser on a 2nd monitor) it will minimize your application.

Windowed is also like it sounds, in that the game is running in a window and not taking up the full screen. It has your typical title bar at the top of the window with the “X” control to close it, etc. If you maximize the window, it fills up the screen but you still have the titlebar at the top.

Borderless-windowed means it’s like running in a window, but without all the titlebar stuff getting in the way. Typically this will be running at your same desktop resolution, so what it means is that it looks exactly like fullscreen. The advantage is that if you access that web browser on your second monitor, it does NOT minimize the game. They can stay up side-by-side, which is really helpful for multitasking, looking up how something works in a game via a wiki, etc.

Example: @stusser is playing Fallout 76 in fullscreen mode. He decides he wants to watch his collection of midget porn on the second monitor, but when he does so it minimizes the game. This is no good, as he just got killed by a supermutant. After switching the game to borderless window, he gets the fullscreen effect on Fallout 76 while being able to enjoy cavorting little people.

Ah, that’s obvious enough I guess I should’ve reasoned through that. Thanks!

Has anyone tried the Battle Royale mode yet?

You know me so well!