Far Cry: New Dawn - It's Far Cry 5.5

Finally got around to starting this. All of the positive FC5 qualities with few of the negatives so far. There’s something soothing about just running around the map taking care of business. Violently.

I’m almost loath to advance the story because it might change things. It seems there’s a lot of criticism of the story, but for me, the enjoyment of FC5 and New Dawn is in the characters you meet and adventure with. Love the writing for them, with the possible exception of Nana, who is pushing the crazy old lady thing pretty damn hard. Less talk, more rock, Nana.

Well “finished” the game. Did most of the world which was nothing really new but still fun. Then got the ending fight and its a godawful, terrible, lazy boss fight against the two chicks with endless re spawning attack dogs. Oh and they literately have like a million hp’s(not a joke at all). Why are developers so fucking lazy. Its like they got tot the end and said fuck it who cares about putting any effort to make a cool ending. End of rant…

Yes, one of the worst boss fights in quite a long time!

I didn’t think it was too difficult - the grenade launcher sidearm comes in VERY handy.

I killed the first chick in like 3 seconds, and then the second chick about a minute later (I didn’t know where she was). The trick is was an elite shovel to the head while in Eden Uber mode.

I did the same thing to the boss of the arena. I tried to kill him like 20 times and just abandon the mission. Then I got my eden powers and went back and he dropped in 2 hits. The first hit took his shield off and knocked him prone, the second hit finished him.

Anyway, I enjoyed the game. I thought it was a beautiful area. I really hope newer games put more effort into the look of the area you will be exploring.

As for Joseph Seed, I thought he was one of the more interesting villains. I do think there was something supernatural going on with him too. He just wasn’t some crazed cult leader. I liked that he had his regrets and all. If there was a God, then he certainly didn’t show any love to him. It would have been interesting to see him lose his faith and all that.

I did end up killing everyone myself. I didn’t want to take a chance Joseph would go off and start another crazy cult, and the twins… they deserved death for all their trouble they caused.

I’ve completed one of the areas in Far Cry 5 and stopped because it’s kinda repetitive. May go back some day if I run out of things to play. I know these small release Far Cry games tend to be more focused.

While I have the UPlay+ trial is there any reason to play this without finishing Far Cry 5?
Is there something about New Dawn that makes it preferable to FC5?

Eh , I enjoyed New Dawn more than 5, but nothing about it is a must play, especially if you aren’t that fond of FC5.

Is it funny at all, have a good story / dialog?

Like all Far Cry games, the answer to those questions is a big nope. :)

OK, so it’s mostly about shooting in a beautiful setting :-)

I guess it may be worth trying for free since it is shorter. How long to beat says the main story is 11-16 hours. No loss if I bail after a couple :-) Your screenies above sure do look nice.

Yeah it had an upgrade the base mechanic that is like my number one addiction in a game, so I was all over New Dawn like butter on corn.

If you enjoy unlocking the prepper stashes and just general base take over, give it a go. I sorta liked the weapon upgrades and the call in support companions were great. But the story was as mediocre as it was in FC5.

Huh, I’m enjoying 5 quite a bit, I guess I’ll have to bite on this one eventually.

Yep if you enjoyed FC5 by the end, New Dawn os more of the same, but a little better in terms of gameplay systems and how the world is designed with locations that level up the difficulty after you clear them, for more resources.

I want to try it but I don’t want to be Ubi’d out by the time Breakpoint gets here :)

I’m about 25% through the story. It’s not bad, over the top villains as expected. So far pretty easy on ‘Give Me a Challenge’ difficulty. Gorgeous landscape. Far Cry has the most aggressive wildlife it’s crazy. Damn turkey will charge you from 200 feet away.

I’ve got 4 outposts unlocked. No way I’m going to recycle them for more ethanol to have to take them over again. Ubi doesn’t think their games are repetitive enough?!?

Not sure if I’ll stay interested in it to get to the end, but I do plan on playing more. Thanks UPlay+ trial!

I just got to this too. Haven’t had trouble the entire game and now this battle I can barely hurt them.

What were you using that did this? I hit her with a rocket launcher and it barely made a scratch. I’m still on tier 2 weapons so that doesn’t help but I don’t think tier 3 weapons do 10x the damage or anything.

I think you’re really meant to be using your powers. I didn’t have it down to 3 seconds but once I remembered I had powers to use, it wasn’t a particularly long fight.

That end fight sucked, though, no matter how you played it. Worst part of the whole game IMO.

I played the first hour of this last night thanks to UPlay+ (credit to @robc04 for that idea). I really enjoyed myself. I got into the big confrontation with the bad guys where they’re about 6 inches from your face. I believe this has been a staple of the series since Far Cry 2. Of course in Far Cry 2, you were suffering from a bout of malaria at the time and the bad guy visits you while you’re in bed. In Far Cry 3 the guy is inches from your face as you’re in a cage. In Far Cry 4, he takes you off your tourist bus and invites you for lunch. I haven’t played Far Cry 5, but in New Dawn the twins are inches from your face as you’re trapped against a steep cliff behind you.

I like this tradition a lot, personally. Putting you face to face with the ultimate enemy is pretty cool, and puts the bad guy in your head for the rest of the game, even though you might not see them again for a long time.

One thing I really liked, btw, is just how precise and crisp the actual shooting feels. This is a proper first person shooter, and they always seem to get that part right.

Same in FC:5, in the opening. It does make an impression, for sure.