Final Fantasy XVI - Crystals have shaped our history long enough

The agonized shame with which every single game development update from Japanese developers is written is simultaneously weirdly charming and also deeply upsetting as I imagine hundreds of salarymen crying themselves to sleep under their desks each night.

Good! I want to finish at least one major Final Fantasy game before FF 16 comes out, and this makes it more likely that I’ll succeed.

On the docket:

FF VII (the original)
FF IX (started it, has a terrible beginning)

I recently restarted FFX for the third(?) time on my Switch in hopes of finally doing a complete play through of that + FFX-2, so, I’m very much onboard with this goal of yours, Rock8!

I had to resist restarting FFX. I love that game so much. (FFX-2, not so much, though I did finish it and did get the secret ending). But I’ve already finished FFX three full times from beginning to end, and two more partial play-throughs. I have to move on to other FF games!

New trailer looks great. Though whoever said upthread that the combat looks like the active battle combat from FF 15 are probably correct. But I still hope not!

Very cool to see new versions of Ifrit, Bahumut, Shiva. Coming directly from FFX, it’s quite the contrast!

I don’t know if it ever made it into this thread, but it sounds like they really did get a Capcom designer to lead the combat design in this game. Tweet is from 2020.

Fun fact: with a Capcom designer doing FF16 and Team Ninja doing Stranger of Paradise, that means Capcom and Team Ninja are still battling for supremacy… only it’s in the Final Fantasy universe.

Question though, why are monsters fighting each other in this trailer?

I’m getting hyped! But wait, the game is so far away!

New trailer dropped today, I don’t know what is going on but I loved every minute of it. Even the action based combat looked super cool to me with this trailer (finally). Would I prefer a party-based/turn-based combat? Probably, but I’m in for whatever this is. Plus the story beats seemed really cool, very excited to experience the tale they are telling here.

EDIT: I don’t know why the guy that linked this thought itw as a new trailer, but he fooled me as well - this is dated 9/16/2020 so it’s two years old, but for whatever reason it worked for me this time much more than the first time I saw it. My theory is that I’m more open to accepting what the game IS now rather than being disappointed with what it is NOT.

That looks great. I’m still worried that I won’t like the combat system too. I’m still hoping the combat system is like Kingdom Hearts, which I love. That’s my best hope.

I tried playing a Final Fantasy game where I disliked the combat system, and it just isn’t worth it. (12).

So fingers crossed.

Uhhh… did you not see one of the best trailers of 2022?

I’m always bemused when people start a sentence off with “I mean…” or “Uhhhh…” - I’ve seen some data/polls that indicate about 50% of people don’t mean to be condescending when they do it, but it feels like it to me every time. In any case, I did edit my post to indicate I realized the person linking it mistook it for a new trailer (probably by the Month/Day) and then I took it on faith. I didn’t delete my post in case others still wanted to see it.

As to the trailer you linked, I did see it during that state of play, but it didn’t stick with me. Watching it again just now I remembered very little of it - I think even in June I wanted something else from FF16, but I’m willing to keep an open mind, since the story/setting seem like something I’ll enjoy.

Huh. Fooled me too. Going back to my OP in this thread, it’s the exact same trailer. I didn’t even realize. I thought it was slightly different, with more shown there, less shown elsewhere, etc. But that was just my mind playing tricks on me!

I must have missed this previously. Getting FFXII vibes and that’s a good thing. Really wish they had brought back that combat system as well, but if they give us a decent story, good characters and great music, we’re most of the way there as far as FF goes.

I said that, haha.

I guess at my age I’m forgetting stuff, I didn’t remember seeing this trailer. But I think maybe in the year since, I’ve played more action RPGs than turn based ones (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, DMC 4, Sekiro, Nier Automata, Tales of Arise and Tales of Vesperia, the latest AC games, and a few others I’m forgetting) so I guess I’m more open to them.

I feel Square should have made this a spinoff instead of part of the main series, but then again the last mainline entry was also action-oriented and still felt FF-ish enough, I guess. But I didn’t love it. And only put about 9 or 10 hours into it.

Scary what posts will be line in another 10 years when some of us are 60+ !

“I just picked up the new Zelda for the Gamecube. No, wait, the Wii. No, that’s not right. Wait, where am I?”

“Rise ye crownless kings, a reckoning is upon you.”

Fucking hell this looks incredible!

Any idea if they have gameplay showcases planned? I really can’t get worked up about cinematics in games.

I would kind of guess that stuff will come closer to release (I bet we are about 10 months out). Right now it doesn’t feel like a Final Fantasy game, but to be fair I have had that exact same thought before every game launch starting with FF7, so what do I know. The combat could be great, or it could be “not for me”, hard to say so far (it looks fun at least), but I will say the story, setting, and visuals all look freaking great. So even if the gameplay isn’t 100% what I would have asked for, I’m almost certain to dive in with glee next year.

Cool, thanks! As is probably obvious, this isn’t one that I’ve been following closely. I’m tentatively interested, though, so I would love to see what the gameplay looks like once they’re ready to show it off. Thanks for the rough timeframe on when that might be (I had no idea if those was close to release, years away, etc.).

It looks great. I know the last time I tried to get into a FF game despite not liking the actual gameplay (FF XII) I got burned, and I couldn’t last, because there was just soooooooo much combat, but this time I’m again tempted to jump in even if I end up not liking the real time combat. Just for the world and story. I just hope that unlike FF XII, they just have less combat this time so I can just skip past most of it.