Flex alert - air conditioners

Here outside of Kansas City, it doesn’t get so hot in temperature as it does get REALLY DAMN HUMID. Walking around outside when it’s 95 degrees out through 100% humidity is like being suffocated by a really clammy ghost.

In my apartment, we keep the AC at around 75, usually closer to 78. We also have ceiling fans going. If I put it down closer to 70 I’d freeze.

My office gets pretty cold, but nothing like my fiancee’s; she keeps a jacket at work even when it’s triple-digits out.

When saying pom, you don’t actually have to qualify it with whinging. That part is understood. :)

I’m with Gary here. I prefer cold. Hell I work with computer networks, 72 in the house is warm compared to walking through a datacenter. 78 at my house would mean the PC room would bake at about 90 which is not good for the equipment. Specifically for that reason I have a very small and economic window unit.

If I were you Gary I would suggest either a small window unit, or small portable AC in the room you’re in the most. Beyond that, the rest is tolerable.

Before I got pregnant, I could happily tolerate the house going up to about 85 without resorting to AC. Pregnancy made me quite heat intolerant, and now I’ve got used to the cooler temperatures, plus he gets overheated pretty quickly, so 75 it is. I dread brownouts, the AC is struggling today, its 100 outside here.

Edit: I would love to have my AC hooked up to solar panels, aside from the electricity savings and brownout-proofing it appeals to the geek in me. But I gather solar panels are less efficient the hotter it is. Maybe when panel prices drop.

Impostor! Where’s the real Jason? He should be vegan and recycle dryer lint. Actually, he shouldn’t even use dryers but rather a clothesline.

75-78 is jeans + Tshirt weather, perfectly comfortable. My office AC is set to 75 and I get cold, what’s wrong with you people? (grew up in Caribbean).

I think anyone who complains about heat doesn’t have to shovel snow until their fingers hurt.

Can someone smart calculate the energy use for 1 hour AC with an efficient new AC compared with driving 1 mile to the grocery store? Ignore wear+tear of machinery?

75-78 in JEANS? That’s insane. I’d have rivers flowing out of my legs.

If you get cold at 75, a better question is what’s wrong with you. I’d suspect a poor metabolism.

I think it’s a high surface area to mass ratio.

78 F is nothing. Turn off the air, drink plenty of fluids, avoid hard labor in direct sunlight, and you’ll get used to worse, without paying a hojillion dollars in electricity fees or getting all bothered every time you go outside. Plus you’ll seem quite manly in comparison to these whiners.

My AC isn’t called an AC. It’s the same device but even with global warming it would be foolish to market AC units for houses here - so I bought mine to heat the house in winter cheaper than just using electricity (1KW of electricity gets turned into 4,5kW of heat i addition to the other benefits of a unit).
But it can work just as well as an AC unit, so I’m looking at this thread and thinking Google is getting the conversion wrong. 78? We’ve had this for the last 3 months and I’d never consider switching on the AC - it’s a bit too hot when the little one is trying to sleep, but apart from that, it’s lovely.

JoJo - we were up in your neck of the woods yesterday around 5pm. HOLY SHIT!

I would not only have the AC on nonstop, I’d also have hourly deliveries of dry ice. Ridiculous.

Yes, because using air conditioning is whining, while coming to a forum to bitch about people who use air conditioning is… manly?

My air conditioning stopped working. :(

So now it’s about 77 in here and it’s unbearable.

Come on now.
Bill posts Richard Simmons and I get bitched at for saying whiners?
Wtf, it was in good jest.

If I lived in a climate where 78F wasn’t something we longed for 10 months a year, then I might consider using AC too.
As it is I bought my AC that is not an ACto save on the electricity bill so running it as an Ac in the few months where the heating is switched off would kinda ruin the point.

Your post was in good jest, whereas I, apparently, was calling for a Hanzii lynch mob.

Yeah well, you’re European and you suck. Anyway, the goodly Mr. Simmons wasn’t for people complaining about the heat, it was for the ninjas claiming they sit in their own rank sweat with their thermos glued to 90 or whatever. It’s like somebody starting a thread about office chairs and having people chime in that anyone who doesn’t sit on a stack of cinder blocks is a little bitch.

It was 115 here today. Fuck that shit.

Indoors my optimal temp is around 65. Through extensive research I have determined that my ideal climate would be something like Iceland (still gets too hot in Alberta in the summer). That’s growing up in “Northern Canada” for you!

My AC ended up only being out for a few hours. It froze up and I had to turn it off, causing it to get up to about 80 in here before the landlord showed up and cleaned the coil (whatever that is) and put some freon in it.

Now it’s an acceptable 72.

I think it made it to 90 here today. It’s 73 right now. I am really enjoying this freak summer.

We walked out of one store today, and the van said it was 116, but it cooled down to a balmy 111 about a block away.