Forum downtime 10PM ET Weds Jul 18

We’re going to be migrating to a bigger, better VM tonight around 10PM ET. Our host says the migration could take up to 2 hours, but hopefully will be much less.

2 more CPUs, double the RAM, and double the disk space. So it should be much faster and also have space to actually take backups. Discourse is beautiful, thoughtfully-designed software, but it’s an unbelievable pig on resources.

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What amount of computer resources will be left over for Qt3-coin mining?

I hear the Chickcoin market is only going up from here.

So wait… I have to watch Tom stream Guild Wars 2 tonight, then the forums will be down for 2 hours. This is the worst day ever.


See you crazy folk in the morning! 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Yep yep, lets hope it goes well. :D

All setskies!

Yay! Things should be snappy now. Please let us know if you encounter any troubles.

Upload test

This is the difference after I made my perf tuning changes around 2PM weds afternoon.

Lets see how it looks under load tomorrow!

Right now, posting is as fast as it was on Wumpus’ dedicated server. Push the button and it’s done.

Yes, this feels noticeably better. I mean, it’s still no vBulletin, but it is definitely gettin the job done.

Ideally we would run it on a Qualcomm cluster. I think that would be poetic.

So… we’re back?

Performance seems zippier than yesterday (though it’s still early in the day, not close to peak hours I would assume), but I’ve noticed that edits take about 10 seconds to appear after saving. There’s no obvious indication that it’s happening (like the blue saving bar when there’s a delay creating a post), so the first couple times I was confused.

Is that a performance issue, or tied to some weird configuration settings that were jostled in the transition, or am I beginning to slip through time and space?

I just did another edit (I do a lot of second-guessing on my posts!) and this time the post was grayed out until the edit appeared. Still took longer than it used to, but seems to work better now. Earlier there was no indication or assurance that the post was being updated.

Don’t know if that’s something someone fixed or if this is all just random, but thanks either way to everyone working to keep things running!

I believe @Clay is running giant rebakes again to move us off the old CDN. Before we added the additional CPUs and RAM we had to do that in batches so small that it wouldn’t finish for, umm, about 2 years. I suspect he juiced those batches back up bigtime.

I think even on slow hardware this forum is awesome for the people that post in it.

But of course, a faster forum is always better.

Thanks for all the hard work so we can comment on the last game, or unbelievable news report.