Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.

John Jay founds a newspaper, The New York National

He then proceeds to travel to the Burned-over District to Whip up support for the Party.


Will resolve shortly. In other news, this arrived today:

Congrats! That was quick.

Newspaper founded.

After their defeat in the election of 1800, Federalists like John Jay engaged in party building activity, trying to shore up membership in the local political clubs from which the Federalists drew much of their strength. (Rolled a 4, +1 PS for the Conservative Party.)

@Brooski is up next.

Spend 1 faction IP for Madison to make speech to gain Pop.

Play Coalition Building

Madison’s speech was poorly received by his fellow Democratic Republicans, as he appeared to be building himself up at the expense of Jefferson. (Rolled a 2. @Brooski, do you want to spend 4IP?).

Coalition building gives @Brooski 3 extra votes this turn.

@Cuthbert is next.

Do not spend 4IP

FYI, technically this turn will end after the auction, and Coalition Building will expire. I’m assuming that Bruce meant for this to apply to next turn’s votes. We can either let the play stand and apply it to next turn or have Bruce take the card back into his hand.

If Bruce wins the bid on the extra initiative, this will make a difference as he would have 4 cards in hand at that point, and would need to discard or play one of those cards.

As a result, I suggest @Brooski pick up the card.

Yeah I thought I could play it to keep my hand open and it would count towards next turn. If not, I pick it up.

@Brooski picks up the card.

And I’m still confused. Aren’t we in the first Jefferson term and haven’t had any votes yet? Why would my card expire?

We’re actually at the end of the current turn. The Issues and stuff is the very first part of the turn. Issues, revenue, election, people.

Thanks. Sorry. Trying to follow this at work isn’t “working” out. Har.

If you’re done @Brooski then we are up to @Cuthbert’s move.

While we wait for @Cuthbert, I figured I could fill the group in on changes to the Era B and C Issue Cards and Generation II and III Action Cards in the Gilded Age expansion.

In terms of the Issue Cards, there are no significant changes for this game. Some states are updated with additional adjacency to new states added in the later era of issue cards, and an issue is added for War over Louisiana if the Louisiana Purchase has not been completed.

In terms of Action Cards, there is one added in Generation II, Statesman Thaddeus Stevens, a 3/1 Republican with 5 votes, age 38A, who makes speeches for free and adds one to the roll. There are 15 new statesmen in Generation III (I won’t list them all) including many leading Union Generals (McClellan, Grant, Sherman) and Andrew Johnson.

I would propose that we incorporate the new statesmen and action card into the deck, in case we do decide to continue once civil war happens.


Hamilton makes a speech

And he also whips up party support

William Henry Harrison founds a newspaper (it doesn’t matter who does it, correct?)

Hamilton gives a masterful speech, recalling his mentor and friend George Washington. The People of New York believe that Washington intended Hamilton, not Adams or Jefferson, to be his true heir. Hamilton’s popularity increases accordingly. (Rolled a 6, Popularity +1).

Hamilton also riled up support in favor of the Federalists with his speech. (Rolled a 4, Popular Support +1 to Conservative Party).

Newspaper founded. (Must found a paper of their party. W.H. Harrison is Conservative, I’m assuming that is what you want.)

Now we bid for the final initiative. Bidding starts with @Ironsight, who has asked me to say that he bids 1IP. @Navaronegun is next. @Brooski on deck.

FYI: Generation II cards have been shuffled into the deck.

@Navaronegun passes. @Brooski is up next. @Cuthbert on deck.
