Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.

@Cuthbert to accept the duel, risking death, or decline, at a cost of 2 popularity.

Butler, being only 14 years old, Declines

Why are you calling me out? Challenge someone who has points!

Sherman’s only 12!!! What are you, a fraidy cat!!!

Fraidy Cat! Fraidy Cat!

Having determined that Butler is chicken, we move to the publish newspapers phase. @Panzeh controls both party leaders, so he gets to decide what gets published.

There are 2 level 1 liberal papers and 1 level three liberal papers.

There are 2 level 1 Conservative papers.

Liberals gain one popular support from their existing paper, bringing the total to +2 in favor of the Conservative party.

@Panzeh, will you publish any papers?

Publish no liberal papers and two conservative papers

Done. We now move to the round (speeches, whipping support, and funding newspapers). @Panzeh, as the President, you are up first.

Stevens uses his ability to make a speech for free

Polk spends 1 IP on a newspaper

Once @CF_Kane resolves the speech I will Pass. @Navaronegun

Stevens rolls a modified 5. Want to spend the 1?

Stevens will spend it.

Done. Over to @Navaronegun.

William Rufus King will do absolutely nothing.

However, He spends a faction IP to found a paper.


Done. @Brooski.

Monroe speech

Now I imagine Monroe speaks like The Hulk or Solomon Grundy

MONROE TOO ELOQUENT FOR TINY PEOPLE! (Rolls a 1. I’m assuming you don’t want to spend the 5). @Cuthbert.

Monroe doesn’t have 5 IP since he can’t use Van Buren’s. @Cuthbert

In my Crazy-brain I imagined that Monroe was welcomed to the rostrum by the Master of Ceremonies at a meeting, nodded to him, smiling. He rose, approached the rostrum and looked at the crowd. He smiled, raised a finger, had a glass of water, cleared his throat and said:


Gallatin whips up support for the liberals