Fox News thread of fine journalism

I know we’re making fun, but I’m trying to figure out the odds of someone I know pointing to that article as ironclad proof that Democrats are as bad as Republicans.

I don’t know – his policy of killing Confederate generals could hurt him.

Nah, Trump and his followers only like winners. Those generals were LOSERS!

The South didn’t lose - they’ve been playing the long game, and the game’s almost done! Just look at the Trumpsters!

I have always been amazed by how many people on the internet believe that slavery had nothing to do with the actual cause of the civil war. That that concept could exist today says a lot about the southern education system and about the need to deny ones racism.

Going to private school in Texas, they really skirted around slavery, sticking with economic reasons for the war. Pretty whitewashed.

Was that a pun?!

Everything is a pun!

It’s a convenient idea for a lot of people to believe. Obviously it lets the South off the hook, but the extreme left also pushes it hard. They want you to believe that America was always evil and every white person was always racist, so they have to come up with some reason why the Union was just as bad. That’s how I came to be taught this bullshit in Oregon.

I’ve had several people that I’ve had business lunches with tell me, very authoritatively and matter-of-factly, “Oh no, the idea that the civil war was because of slavery is a big myth. Did you know slavery actually had nothing to do with the war?” Oh you don’t say? Enlighten us Sir.

To be fair, I really like these people otherwise, but unless you have a handful of counter-facts to their “facts” at your beck and call, you can’t really argue with them. They are students of history and were fascinated to learn that these were myths, after all. They understand if you find the truth hard to believe since they used to be the same way.

Of course they all argue it was economics. But since the economics are based in slavery you have to deal with that, and somehow the whole “not slavery’s fault” thing doesn’t include the lesson that an economy based on slavery involves slavery.

I guess that would be how an extreme SJW could view it, I just never considered that.

This at least in part is the result of a very deliberate, sustained propaganda campaign by Jubal Early and other veterans (as well as Jeff Davis, who wrote a monumental history of the Confederacy), that began when the dust had barely settled.

This is often how it’s presented, and it has the same reptile brain appeal that other conspiracy theories do. The promise of secret knowledge, which is inherently attractive.

It’s like step 2 of understanding the civil war, which goes like this:

  1. it was about slavery
  2. it was about States rights!
  3. it was about some states wanting the right to own people, and then wanting to leave the union to preserve that singular right, and the implications of the civil war had an impact on how much freedom States had to govern themselves.

It’s like reading Wittgenstein, which for me, progressed through these stages:

  1. this is cool. This makes total sense, and is obvious.
  2. this makes no fucking sense at all. What do words even mean?
  3. this makes sense and is profound


PS Hallie is super sexy
PPS Rick too

Actual fine journalism.

I can only imagine how insane the comments on Fox News are after this.

One of those rare occasions where this thread title is accurate!

One time I was really mad and slammed a door but it bounced back and hit me in the face. That’s Sean Hannity as a verb.

I like this one.

Not fox, but whatever. Same shit.

So, you know all that stuff about how Moore was a good guy and the women were all lying? Yeah, Breitbart didn’t believe all that. They thought he was a piece of shit.

But they had to defend him, because otherwise people would hold Trump to that standard.

Literally the reason they give for lying to their readers.