Fox News thread of fine journalism

That dude always looks like he’s ashamed he’s even there. He just sits there trying not to react to Jones’ pure insanity and says little to nothing while looking very uncomfortable. You’d think they’d have someone else for the job. I mean James Woods would probably do it.

Surprising … no one.

Sean said it was nothing so I’m sure that’s all it is. He’s like, beyond reproach. We should really be looking into those email leaks or that pizza place where Clinton’s selling little kids as sex slaves.

They can’t kick him out the door while Ingraham is out too. That network is a disgusting cesspool of lying and coverups.


Is the mainstream media seriously just now waking up to this?! I had assumed the fact that Conservative Media was the Derp State controlling the minds and actions of millions of voters and hundreds of politicians nationwide was well known, and that the rest of the media simply didn’t comment on it to avoid looking as if they were “bashing” fellow journalists and media sources. But now I have to wonder…“Where the fuck have you been for the past decade CNN/NBC/Etc.?”!

Trump wasn’t the first candidate to campaign on what was basically a list of Fox News talking points, he was just the most visible one. From Birthers to Pizzagate, Conservative Media has been putting scripts into the hands of GOP politicians who then seemingly lend credibility to said scripts by repeating them in capital buildings around the country. A feedback loop is then created as Conservative Media reports on these politicians, thereby seemingly lending credibility right back, and we end up with ridiculous lies and bullshit passed on as hard facts because “Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and my senator are all saying it, so it MUST be true!”.

If the real news media is just now waking up to the fact that Conservative Media has been shaping the narrative and pulling the strings behind the GOP, then every award they’ve won for journalism should be rescinded. There is a war being waged on the truth, with the stakes being that the winner gets to run the country, and right now the wrong side is winning that war because the other side doesn’t even realize they’re supposed to be fighting.

I think it was the Republican party was putting the script in front of their propaganda office. Now the propagandists are giving the script to the President.

I don’t think it is surprising that politicians would pander to a media source that feeds their constituents (or vice versa). You think conservatives are going to pander to or quote CNN or MSNBC?

Other than the national coverage it really is not much different from what newspapers and politicians did decades ago.

This would suggest that most politicians would do this and do this often, except one side does it a lot more than the other… like noticeable difference. It’s not about what you agree with it’s, word for word creepiness. Was there another president even close to do the same thing as the same level that the incestual relationship between Trump and Foox has?

Well, let’s admit that Trump is pretty damn unique as president to begin with. Between the tweets and Fox News he is something we have never seen before. And, not in a good way.

Well true so when you say it’s not surprising… I think it’s important to point out that… at this level, only one side is really doing that at this level so it’s not really politicians so much as the GOP.

Does anybody even care what is said on CNN or MSNBC? Honestly, my politics lean their direction and I think they are horrendous.

As much as I hate Fox they are at least effective whereas CNN is a joke. CNN needs to be blown up and re-built on another model.

They’re locked behind cable so i generally don’t watch them… which is probably a problem in itself. If the fact checking sites are behind paywalls and the sensational and made up stuff is free…

Occasionally I check them out though. I use BBC more these days, Google which can be any site, an MSN (also mixed sites).

You mean watching though right, like people talking on the TV?

I don’t understand what you mean here.
What is Fox “effective” at? In terms of actually talking about real news, CNN is way better than Fox.

‘Effective’ at propaganda, I guess. I don’t watch CNN, either, but there’s a reason David Dennison turns on CNN when he wants news, and Fox when he wants affirmation and ego stroking (and policy direction).

CNN sometimes has poor journalistic standards where they struggle to fill the 24/7 channel and have vacuous or inane bits. Fox is outright lies and propaganda.

CNN’s biggest failure at this point, in my opinion, is that in any discussion, they always give a platform to at least one Trump surrogate.

I understand that there is a legitimate need to offer both sides, but the Trump surrogates are, without fail, pathologically dishonest. Their arguments are consistently just overt attempts to deflect to blaming someone else, whether it be “the mainstream media” or Clinton, or whomever.

To their credit though, some of their hosts, like Tapper, or Cooper, or Lemon, have started actually calling them on the bullshit when it starts spewing. But on some level, their positions are so overtly false that they really do not deserve a platform at all. Note, I’m not saying that they are “wrong” in some subjective sense. I’m saying that they simply do not offer honest arguments. Differences of opinions are fine. Lying and misleading are not.

But if you compare a show like Don Lemon’s to someone like Hannity, there is simply no comparison. I wouldn’t call Lemon’s show a “news” program, but it’s infinitely more informative than Hannity. Hannity’s just a crazy propaganda session. You midaswell just slap Big Brother’s face up on the TV for an hour while Hannity shrieks his conspiracies in the background.

CNN is abysmal. I mean, all 24 hour news is terrible, but CNN doesn’t even try. As Scuzz says, Fox may be politically pernicious but at least it knows its audience. CNN pitches itself as journalism with one hand while spending all its money on people like Nancy Grace and Wolf Blitzer with the other. Oh and let’s not forget the whole Corey Lewandowski and Jeffrey Lord incidents.And they’re world leaders in the “get contributors to shout over each other” school of commentary.

When there is real news, disaster, revolution. etc. CNN is good at getting the information to the viewers. Fox is hit or miss, if their local affiliate has good reporters they good otherwise not so good. Internationally there is no comparison CNN has much better network of news sources. As far as good news reporters with analysis, I think Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace are the best on TV right now.

CNN does spend a ridiculous amount of time with big panels with one or two token Trump supporters simply engaged in Trump bashing. Now I enjoy watching the bashing, in the same way I enjoy reading Trump bashing on QT3. It is a stretch to call it news though.

The vast majority Fox “opinion shows” are simply propoganda.