Fox News thread of fine journalism

On a related note, I learned in college that a marshmallow roasted with a cigarette lighter tastes like ass. However, if it’s all you have, it can work if you just run it long enough to light the marshmallow and then let it self-roast.

Which raises the question-- why do stupid people just love that kind of face?

They like him because he annoys Democrats.

I love Larson. Including his willingness to totally break the idea of the comic just to convey a specific impression visually. I.e. a caveman wearing glasses because we know people with glasses are smarter.

In a comic with talking animals and cavemen who speak English, I’m not sure what you think he’s breaking.

Hannity: Global warming “doesn’t exist”

Choice quotes in the video:

This is a scandal that blew the entire environmental movement to shreds, because it proved that climategate was a political operation to control world economies.

The far left has not let up, and will continue to dismiss the facts.

Fox host Napolitano is a 9-11 Truther: “It couldn’t possibly have been done the way the government told us”

It was on the Alex Jones show, but it still is ca-ra-zy stuff.

Jindal Says Congress Should Work Part-Time

“When they live under the same rules and laws they passed for the rest of us, maybe you’d see some more common sense coming out of Washington, D.C.” he told the conservative publication. “Instead, you got a permanent governing political class.”

“We used to pay farmers not to grow crops, let’s pay congressmen to stay out of Washington, D.C.,” he said. “Mark Twain said that our liberty, our wallets were safest when the legislature’s not in session.”

And there are plenty of part-time state legislatures that could provide a business model. In 17 states, including Utah, New Hampshire, North Dakota and South Dakota, lawmakers work part-time, making an average of $16,000 and relying on other sources of income for a living, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

That is a great idea potential 2012 presidential candidate Bobby Jindal! They could rely on money from special interest groups, or keep their jobs instead of being committed to serving the country!

This sort of thing is exactly why governments which have more-or-less kept the Roman “province governor” approach are so rife with graft. The government jobs don’t pay enough to make a living, so they end up taking bribes routinely.

I can’t recall seeing much more corruption than any other place 'round these parts, and we have a part-time legislature.

Legislators and State Senators get paid $604.79 per week for a session that runs from January through mid-April or mid-May, usually. They can also claim a $61.00 per day meal allowance for days they’re in session, and mileage reimbursement at $0.50 per mile. If they stay in Montpelier, rather than going home, they get a $101.00 per day lodging allowance.

The Speaker of the House and Senate President get $657.63 per day, plus the other allowances, if applicable, and an annual salary of $10,800.00.

Otherwise, they all have day jobs, typically. True, you do get your carpetbagger types who don’t seem to do anything but run for office, but we’ve also got lawyers, shopkeepers, speech pathologists, IT consultants, gardeners, writers, farmers, etc.

Man they are so good at getting it wrong.

“The term ‘anchor baby’ is equivalent to other defamatory terms such as ‘wetback,’ ‘pickaninny’ and ‘tar baby.’ Media outlets should never use these demeaning terms in connection with precious babies, and it is unfortunate that we have to inform FOX News of this when they are typically viewed as conservative.”

Yeah cause in the history of this nation conservatism has never, ever been remotely associated with racism.


I think they meant it more in terms of the “precious babies”, but it’s hard to tell.

I find it funnier that the vast majority of content on “Fox Latino” is in English.

Yep, it was great overall, ridiculously intense, probably some of the most suspenseful TV I’ve watched recently, but I wish they’d just gone the full monty to drastically change things up for next season. I thought the “confrontation” at the end was a pretty major cop-out, close getaway #423, leading me to wonder what the hell they could possibly do next season to keep things remotely interesting.

Probably declare that the wikileaks dude works for Al Queda.

Hmm. I’m a Mexican-American and I didn’t know “anchor baby” was considered racist.

haha wrong thread, just a bit.

Snagged again

In the midst of global climate change talks last December, a top Fox News official sent an email questioning the “veracity of climate change data” and ordering the network’s journalists to “refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question.”

The directive, sent by Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon, was issued less than 15 minutes after Fox correspondent Wendell Goler accurately reported on-air that the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization announced that 2000-2009 was “on track to be the warmest [decade] on record.”

Well, I doubt I’ll ever have kids so I have no stake in the future of humanity, so fuck the world (the world will live on billions of years after human civilization has passed).