Fox News thread of fine journalism

Because it’s exactly what he said. There’s no misstatement. Just another conservative overblown blowhard trying to perpetuate the myth of the liberal media. It’s just ironic that the “news chief” should be so openly and brazenly partisan while trying to perpetuate that myth. Then again, it is Faux News…

Ailes says that NPR execs represent the ‘left wing of Nazism’.

I don’t think he understands that word.

Senator Jay Rockefeller Wishes FCC Would Shut Down Fox News

“I’m tired of the right and the left,” West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller said Wednesday during a Senate hearing on retransmission consent. "There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to Fox and to MSNBC, ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’

They probably just forgot to put MSNBC in the headline…

And Rockefeller? CFR trilateral commission Bilderburg NWO confirmed.

Oh man, the comments :

Mr. Rockefeller…bite me. Take your bazillion dollars and go to Haiti and live happily ever after with Sean Penn. Your problem with Fox News is that you can’t purchase their honesty and integrity.

What a tyrant! what a communist! what an idiot! Has this buffoon ever heard of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?? He should be run out of office, stripped of his pension…what does this idiot want? Armed insurection? We are close enough already!

Wow, that Ailes guys really needs to stop talking.

I wonder who’s going to carry the torch when Ailes and Murdoch kick the can. Those two clowns look like they’re both pushing 120 years.

This comment is ironically true but not in the way that the commentator intended.

They probably have some massive underground stem cell/genetics aging cure research lab funded by Fox profits.

Christ, can Hannity look any more smarmy than in that picture? Wow.

Edit: Wow, almost all his smiling photos are like that. I guess Mom was right. You keep making faces like that it’s going to be stuck that way.

If the world ever puts me in a room with Hannity and a gun, I’m probably gonna be going to prison for the rest of my life.

Hannity is by far the most annoying conservative on Earth. I introduce as evidence his creation story:

These hearings had a profound impact on my life. I found myself getting furious at the sight of congressmen and senators excoriating a dedicated patriot like Ollie. I was so riveted by the Iran-Contra hearings that I wouldn’t go to work. I’d stay home and watch the hearings all day. I even taped them so I could watch them over again. I still have my copies. The more I watched and listened, the angrier I got. And in my search to express my views—to hear a different viewpoint on the subject from what was available on TV—I began calling in to radio talk shows to defend Ollie and beat up on the sanctimonious congress man and senators. Their attacks on the CIA and covert operations and the Reagan administration’s policy of “peace through strength,” I argued, would end up damaging our national security and making all Americans more vulnerable to attack. As it turns out, Ollie was way ahead of the curve on the question of terrorism and the dangers of foreign aggression. Had we listened to him then, I am convinced America would be less vulnerable to attack today.

And somewhere along the way, I found my calling in life.

In his book this is told as an aside to how awesome Rush Limbaugh is.

As annoying as Hannity is, I don’t think he’s anywhere near the worst personality on Faux News. Beck definitely has that nailed by a wide margin. But Brian Kilmeade, the dimmest bulb on “Fox and Friends,” definitely has Hannity beaten as well.

I was going to argue you against that, Gus, but I think you’re probably right. Kilmeade makes me want to kick puppies with his wide-eyed, ignorant babbling that he really seems to take to heart. That whole pure society rant he went on was mesmerizing in his ability to just bulldoze on. He couldn’t help himself. Hannity is relatively tame compared to the zealotry of Beck and the idiocy of Kilmeade.

Hannity really does have one of those faces that you just want to punch. If I didn’t know anything about him, I would want to punch that face.

Beck has that same effect. Every picture I see of him smiling makes me want to start throwing fists. There’s just something about his pudgy face and that “I’m better than you are” look in his eyes. Fuck you, Glen.

It’s the George W. Bush disease, which where I assume the Hannitys and Becks take their cue. Bush had that incredibly irritating air of condescending idiot, always sounding like he was talking down to you even as it was clear he had no idea what he was talking about.

Whenever I see a clip of Beck talking, I always think of that great scene near the end of Capote where Perry Smith explains the word “exacerbate” and Capote interrupts him: “There is not a word or a sentence or a concept that you can illuminate for me.”

I wish I could remember the source, I think it was Jon Stewart but I could be mistaken, but word is that Hannity does most of what he does out of showmanship. He’s not emotionally invested at all in what he’s saying, he just sees it as a way to promote his celebrity - sort of like a politician that way. Beck’s the same way, though there may be some actual nuttiness under the facade.

Whether coldly stirring up hatred and telling lies purely for personal gain is somehow worse than doing so out of conviction is another matter.

Fox & Friends attempt to roast marshmallows with hands, plastic spoon

I am sure some of this is a joke, but dude with the plastic spoon clearly wasn’t joking when attempting to roast a marshmallow with a plastic spoon…

Because it’s bad for the environment… maybe he should eat the marshmallow roasted with a plastic utensil if that’s the reason he takes issue with it.

Jesus gave us plastic utensils so we can use them as we want, the environment will be fine.