Framed - Wordle for Movies

I knew it was wrong, but that first screen reminded me so much of War Games that I started typing in War Games, and got really annoyed that War Games or Wargames is not in the movie directory.

Yeah, the second frame reminded me of the ending area of X-men 2, and I was annoyed X Men or X-men weren’t in the movie directory.

Ditto… though I think I’ve seen the last five minutes like seven times for whatever reason.

Framed #54
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I should watch this movie. I’ve enjoyed all of this director’s movies that I’ve seen so far.

First one I’ve been able to guess on the first frame! Not bad considering I’ve never seen the movie…

Framed #56
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Same here.

I guessed the 3rd movie in the series first, so I only got it on the second guess instead! :)

Was shocked to get it in one!

Framed #59
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Framed #66
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Today’s selection really threw me. I was convinced that for the first time it was a movie I’d never heard of. But I had and I got it on the fifth frame.

I hadn’t seen that movie in well over two decades. First frame threw me off, but the second was so iconic that I slammed in the movie title and got it.

I guess I need to watch it again. I only recognize the 6th frame from the movie, even though I’ve seen it. I just deduced what it was because of who is in the 4th and 5th.

I wasn’t certain, but I guessed correctly on the first frame. That staircase rung a bell for me.

Today’s took three — but only because four other guesses weren’t on their list.

a rare 1 for me. Even though I haven’t seen it.

Frame 1 is a pretty big giveaway though, usually there isn’t anything so obvious.

First frame for me as well. The film as a whole as a very distinctive look, and that scene was pretty memorable for me.

I thought that first frame was from American Gangster which I thought had a similar look.

Framed #72
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Really pretty first frame, which I was convinced was from the Blade movies.

Today’s was super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Framed #73
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I never watched that movie but I got it right on the first try. So yeah, I’d say it’s super easy. ;)