Fuck QT3

Jesus, I get swamped with work and finally get back to reading forums to find you guys are having all kinds of fun without me. Was race mentioned in that thread? How about the wii? God dammit people, work with me here! Bronze Age Greece? I could help! I could…I could…

I should just go get a 360.

I’m here, too.

There are no good games on that system.

I hear PC gaming is dead though, what is a girl to do? :(

Being one of the correct person around here is pretty difficult, but it is satisfying. Why am I lumped with Rimbo?

Anyways, Mordrak’s burnout is strange, and I found he quite often contributed something valuable–or at least substantively interesting–to P&R discussions on a consistent basis, so it’s going to be disappointing not having that voice.

I skimmed through the thread, and honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with Mordrak’s posts. His opinion flies in the face of the popular sentiment in that thread, and yeah, he was posting in it an awful lot, but it’s not like he was trolling. He’s not even responsible for the off-topic D&D debate–that derail started before his first post. He was mostly making specific criticisms about the game, and trying to explain them when challenged. His tone was generally reasonable. Is that really what we consider to be “shitting up a thread” these days?

He’s clearly taking it too personally (and I’m sure the actual personal attacks by a couple of posters in that thread didn’t help), and needs to take a break and get some perspective. And this “watch me flame out” thread is silly and pointless. Again, the remedy is to take a break and cool down.

The “Penalty Box” should be a thread which everyone can read but only those under sanction can post to, and it’s the only thread they can post to for the duration of the sanction.
Kind of like The Cooler in Hogan’s Heroes… ;D

So wait. Is this the new thread to pad our post count, since Dave Long took his Bargian thread ball and won’t let us pad there anymore?

Not that anyone could ever accuse me of padding my count. Someday I’ll break 2k!

I thought this was the post-count padding thread.

You cannot hate QT3 on a couch. You need a mouse and keyboard.

But could hate it in a box?
Could you hate it with a fox?
Would you, could you in the rain?

Not without a strain.

Well played Bahimiron. Well played.

I love this so much.

I don’t think I get it.

So… he’s leaving 'cause someone insulted him with Aspergers?

What a coincidence - in the middle of reading a page with him arguing about stats in the DA:Spoiler thread, I find this gem from him:

Wow, who would a thunk a bunch of borderline asperger’s gamers would cling to numbers like a security blanket?

Good riddance.

Yea, as a guy you should totally get a 360 in order to enjoy the entirety of QT3 pathos. You heard that we’re biased towards 360 games right?

You said ass burgers.

Dude I LOVE me some ass burgers!

— Alan

I thought everyone had a wii? Having a wii makes you cool, right?
