Future Man on Hulu: clever sci-fi comedy romp

Agreed, although I found S3 much better and less boring that S2. But still not as good as S1.
Overall a fun show though. Glad I watched it.

Yeah, I feel the same way. Two got better toward the end but there seemed a lot of filler.

I’ll just bump this up to give people who missed this a heads up.

It somehow popped up for me on Amazon, but I initially dismissed it. Haven’t they done this sort of thing in the 80s a bunch of times? It was dumb enough then. I’m really glad I gave it a shot eventually (I was drunk), it’s a great show.

I got to the 2nd last episode of Season 2 last night, and it really messed with my head. First of all, it was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing during the running scene, you know the one I’m talking about. But at the same time, from a time-travel point of view, it makes no sense to me when I think about it, at least with all the usual time-travel they’ve been showing on the show so far.

Still. Totally worth it for the laughs. I wasn’t sure where they could go after Season 1, and I have to admit, Season 2 has been really ballsy. It was quite the leap to change the show so much after Season 1. Usually shows try to keep the same formula going because it worked the first time. Kudos to this show for trying something completely different.

I came to this show late as well, and powered through it pretty quickly. It’s definitely fun and I agree that the hallway scene doesn’t make much sense when you think about it, but it’s hard to deny that, in the moment, it was a great plot device.

I randomly remembered the hallway time travel scene from Season 2 just now and started laughing out loud. God, that was so funny. (Even though it didn’t make sense).