Galactic Civilizations 4 announced

I wonder how combat is now, I never was comfortable with the weirdness of combat in Galciv 3

The two biggest overhauls I wanted was mop-up combat (basically the slog of destroying waves of inferior ships), and just the big combat being more interesting, without having to micromanage the shipbuilder parts.

Can I ask what you thought was weird about it? I’d like to know myself, and then share with the team also!

Beta 2 is here, bringing with it the possibility of destroying your friends in combat thanks to multiplayer! We’ve added 3 modes: Arena, Agenda, and Survival. The Battle Viewer is in there now, too, along with some new events, new Galactic Achievements, and plenty more. You can check out the post with the trailer and all the info here.

The team has been working hard to incorporate the feedback we’ve been getting through the alpha and beta phases. For those of you who have participated, we thank you very much, and for those of you who haven’t - we thank you anyway. :)

That’s great news about multiplayer. I wasn’t quite sure what the modes entailed from the description in the post. Are there plans to have a standard multiplayer mode (e.g. playing through a game like you would in single player)?

Good question, but I’m assuming they’re in addition to what we usually expect in multiplayer? Whatever the case, Agenda and Survival modes sound really cool! From the post @Tatiora linked:

Bolding mine. Love the alternatives to the usual victory conditions.


Those sound like cool ideas! This is the first game that’s made me want to reconsider my EGS boycott, but I won’t.

I think it’s just the early access that’s limited to EGS.

I know, this is the first time I haven’t been part of an EA for a GalCIv game since the expansion to 1.

(1 was barely as I DLed a build over Christmas then had no internet for six months)

I touched base with the GalCiv team and was told that we will probably add the full multiplayer sandbox mode if that’s something players are wanting. I’ll be sure to keep people here informed as stuff develops!

Mark me down as someone that would want/expect that feature! :)

According to Stardock on Discord, this assumption was incorrect. No standard game coming in multiplayer. I know, I know, insert the theres_dozens_of_us meme but that’s really a bummer for me. Separate game modes can be fun, but they’re a garnish to the main dish for me.

Guess I can probably shelve this one. Given that GC3 had MP, I just assumed GC4 would also have “full” MP once it was implemented.

I’m sorry for any confusion! I think the Beta v0.9 changelog preview will be of interest to you. :) You can see it here, but the image I’ve attached is the relevant part.

This version is currently unreleased, but will be coming soon! Thanks again everyone for all of your enthusiasm and support.

Hell yeah!! That’s great news, @Tatiora. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention.


I guess I should try 3 sometime at this rate.

I had the same thought.

I never really clicked with GalCiv 3 but I’m excited to pick this one up when it’s a little more baked. I also enjoyed this eXplorminate interview with Derek Paxton:

Glad you guys are enjoying the interviews and updates! Here’s a link to the Beta 3 changelog if you’d like more details on what’s new. :)

I’m just curious - how many of you guys are into making your own civs? I started doing it in GC3 and I had a lot of fun modeling one after my cat, lol!

GC2 devoured a good chunk of a year of college, and I blew out a week playing through a couple of super long maps of GC3, always intending to go back when all the DLC was “done,” but now with 4 on the horizon, I have affixed my hype muscles squarely on the new hotness.

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