GalCiv 2 - Metaverse Empire Shoot Club

Same issue as Jack Black. I click join and just get an empty box.

EDIT: Okay, if anyone else has the issue, click on “Account”, “Edit My Characters” and create a new character with the same name as your account.

Chris Woods

I joined up but haven’t had a chance to play yet. I downloaded it when it came out, played half of one game, then had to leave town until Tuesday. :(

Can I be senator too?!?

You all hate me…


Works fine for me in Firefox after some massaging (not sure exactly what I did.) How is it borked?

The cursor doesn’t appear when you click in the actual edit area, have to actually click under it a fair bit to get into the field. Pretty borked. It might actually work though, I still haven’t bothered.

Thanks to the research above, joining up was painless. Joined as Marc0ni. Now to start a metaverse game. Guess that means I have to get belligerent and finish my current one … with violence (cultural’s too slow)!

I had Firefox issues too. Works fine in IE. Which makes the list of reasons to keep IE a little bit longer.

Hope to play my first Meta game tonight.


The Qt3 Shootclub empire is in the top 10.

The yellow area is the Qt3 chunk of the galaxy.

Anyone get a weird memory error message when trying to add a character?

Error message fixed, but account not activated. Very weird. Should this be this difficult or am I missing some insanely obvious step?

I finally got in. My problem was I couldn’t create a character that would stick. Everything seems fine now. Firefox really has a problem with your site Brad.

Ahhhhh…soo after loading the game, entering your Serial # in game, entering your Serial # to get the update, logging into the Metaverse by logging into the GalCiv site, you can add a character only after you have registered your game by logging onto the GalCiv site IF you purchased it from a retail store.

I realize I should have figured out I needed to register my game online, but so many games automatically do that nowadays once you enter that stuff in and I had already entered my Serial # a couple of times in other places…I just got a little lost. I am going to the too old thread, see ya in a bit.

Bah. Walk it off.

I’ll have you know that after getting home, I found I had already registered my game, which I was told I had not, and a character I added where I kept getting “Invalid Serial #” messages had magically appeared without any further action from me.

I love the features on your forums Brad, but those bastards are slow.

And now I am finally done whining.

I’ve joined up as Ranier Wolfcastle.

Prepare to mock me as I singlehandedly RUIN your glorious win/loss ratio.

I’m in as Palmtree. Stupid character registration wouldn’t work in Opera so I had to use (gasp!) IE to register.

That bridge was crossed by me long ago … :(

I officially request senatorship. The bribe is in the mail. It’s 6 figures. Of course a lot of them are zeros to the left of the decimal point. But let’s not quibble.

Damn, there is nothing worse than playing a gigantic game for several days, taking out the two largest civilisations in order and winning, then getting a “(16) game couldn’t be submitted to the Metaverse, try again?”
I don’t think I did any save-game shenanigans :/

Anders - probably just a server hicup. You can resubmit games at any time. You can even resubmit the same agme and it’ll record the game with the highest score.