Game box art challenge?

4 discs, come on!
Have a chin.


I’m so glad you know it!
It was my game of the month last month, and what a game!

@Scotch_Lufkin Can you take my turn? I’m away from home this weekend.

Wrong game: you don’t skip your turn in the game box frame game, you make the thread linger for weeks!

Oh man, I’m so sorry - I saw you tag me last week and then totally forgot about it. I’ve never actually played the game box art game (that I recall) - I mostly cover the screenshot thread. But I’ll get something together since no one did over the weekend.

Shadow of the Colossus?

Assassin’s Creed Origins?

Nothing correct so far, here is part two!

Shadow of Mordor?

The SFC version of Tactics Ogre?

The pole kind of reminds me of the poles stuck in the giant bear in an anime.

So… To Your Eternity?

No correct guesses yet!

But my lord did one of you get close.

Is it Triangle Strategy?

You nailed it!

That is a great cover. Great pick. One thing I’ve learned from playing this game for the past 6 years at Qt3 is that there’s not that many great game cover boxes out there. We needed more Scotch in here this whole time.

Beautiful box art, Scotch! Thanks for jumping in!

Here’s a new one:

The Cavern of the Evil Wizard?

Megaman 3?

Who the hell names a game “Triangle Strategy”???