Game Giveaway

Done and done. Midnight and Trixie, kindly email or PM me with your mailing addresses, and I’ll send the games out Monday.

Is it possibility that I might please ask for Realms of the Haunting? I could send you the address of a friend (same guy who got me Advance Wars 2) in Oregon and he can ship it to me, so it won’t cost as much to ship to Japan and he’ll know how to get past my Nazi-like parents. Is that alright?

Man, Riddle of Master Lu! I’ve been wanting to play that game forever, noun, don’t taunt me! :( Are you really giving it away? May I please ask for it too?


Kitsune, I really am, and it’s now yours. Where am I sending it?

No problem, Kitsune. Just let me know your friend’s address in Oregon.

Parents!? Kitsune, you write so well and with such authority that I assumed you were some twenty-something person living on your own. How old are you? :shock:

What the heck, I can take Anachronox if no one else wants it. I haven’t seen it in stores, not even in second-hand stores, in years so this might be my best shot at getting to play it unless I go to e-bay.

Congrats, Kitsune! I haven’t played Realms of the Haunting but a lot of adventure gamers really like it. Actually, I have it around somewhere. Maybe I’ll pop it in one of these days soon myself…

Kalle, Anachronox has great characters and a strong story-- it’s a Tom Hall classic for those points alone. 8)

Dibs on Space Empires IV.

Dang. Wish I’d seen this yesterday!! I’d have nabbed me a copy of Tropico 2.

Kalle, if you don’t like it… grin

Lee: Really? I come off that way? That’s good to hear! Unfortunately, I don’t mean to be rude, so forgive me but I never reveal my age online for…many reasons. Not that I’m untrusting or anything, just, you know, because. I’ll give you a hint, though: I’m younger than the Famicom. :wink:

Denice: I CAN’T WAIT! Woo! Lifesavers, all of you are! :D


The Famicom was released in 1983…which means you are my age or younger.

I’m guessing you are a 14-year old super genius who divides his free time between writing monstous essays to post on Qt3 and building the ultimate doomsday weapon. :)

The Famicom was released in 1983…which means you are my age or younger.

I’m guessing you are a 14-year old super genius who divides his free time between writing monstous essays to post on Qt3 and building the ultimate doomsday weapon. :)[/quote]

Deep below in the underground tunnels of Kyoto…



Man, that is one dangerous looking marital aid. ;)

Kalle, shoot me your address when you have a moment and Anachronox is yours.

The Famicom was released in 1983…which means you are my age or younger.

I’m guessing you are a 14-year old super genius who divides his free time between writing monstous essays to post on Qt3 and building the ultimate doomsday weapon. :)[/quote]

Deep below in the underground tunnels of Kyoto…



I can’t tell you how gleeful it made me to check the properties of that picture and find that it was “” Talk about a recruitment method I’d endorse!

Just got my game in the mail!!!

What’s better than getting something for free?

Getting it free and quick!


me too, I can safely say that Jason is “teh best”…

I really appreciate it, thanks :) When I’m done, I’d be glad to pass the love on.

Shoot Club Seattle sounds like fun. I’d like to find some non-nerdy adult gamers that might play, say, Shadow Magic, WBC2, or BF1942.

QT3 Seattle includes:

Jason McCullough
Tim Elhajj

um. Who else?

EDIT: By “non-nerdy”, I mean nerds with some sense of decorum/restraint/bathing habits who have lives outside of playing Counterstrike.

I will have finished my move back by the end of November. And your definition of “non-nerdy” is expansive enough to include me :)

That was a cool thing for you to do, especially picking up the postage.


Got my package from Jason today. :D

Jason is teh c00L. Thanks!