Game Music 2: Beyond Thunderdome

But seriously, yeah, both of those are great. Hnnngh. I may be leaning towards Terra’s theme…

I felt the same way. But it’s the Thunderdome, shit gets real here.

Booo! Hisss! ;-)

I meant to say that I really liked the Homeworld 2 track (reminded me of Mezzanine-era Massive Attack, Inertia Creeps possibly) and I’m kind of torn on Pressure Cooker vs. Jergingha. TW101 piece is just going full tilt and I love the bit at 1:18 and the main theme reprises throughout. SoulEye’s PPPPPP though…

You’re totally right, thanks for the catch! I had made sure the earlier matches weren’t decided by one vote, but forgot to do so with that one.

Hollow Knight advances!

Is there more Dome-age happening this week?

If there weren’t, c’était dommage.


Hmm, do edit reasons not appear on mobile for some reason?

Sorry for the delay. VVVVVV and Final Fantasy VI advance.

Match 9

@ArmandoPenblade: Furi - You’re Mine (by Carpenter Brut)


@Gordon_Cameron: Icewind Dale - Kuldahar theme (Composed by Jeremy Soule)

  • Furi
  • Icewind Dale

0 voters

Match 10

@Thraeg: Tower of Heaven - Indignant Divinity ()


@Vesper: No One Lives Forever - Main Theme ()

  • Tower of Heaven
  • No One Lives Forever

0 voters

Umm, what’s Hotline Miami 2 doing in there?

Thanks – fixed!

Don’t know what I was smoking up thread but the Furi track really clicked with me this time and, oops, listened to the whole soundtrack by accident too. The Icewind Dale tune is just lovely though, and I nearly voted for it. Tough match.

I really like the NOLF theme but the Tower of Heaven chiptune is a little joy. Hmmm.

Some great matchups here.

Yeah. I’d love to see VVVVVV up against Tower of Heaven and Furi vs. Nex Machina.

Tower of Heaven vs. NOLF was a surprisingly tough call.

Match 11

@rossbob: Final Fantasy XIV - Ultima (by Masayoshi Soken)


@ArmandoPenblade: Stellaris - Creation and Beyond (by Andreas Waldetoft)


  • Stellaris

0 voters

Match 12

@Shimarenda: Deus Ex - UNATCO Headquarters (original version) ()


@geggis: Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP - The Prettiest Weed (By Jim Guthrie)

  • Deus Ex

  • Sword & Sworcery

0 voters

It’s possible I voted for my pick out of stubborn determination rather than actual preference this time around. That FF track is fucking bangin.

It really is. I love the Middle Eastern influences in it. Would have sounded right at home during a boss battle in a Prince of Persia game (the fast part, anyway).

Yeah, I absolutely agree. That said, I do really love the central theme of “Creation and Beyond” so much–the warmth of the horns with the lilting strings/synths just sings this vision of pure promise and possibility that is exactly why I bought Stellaris in the first place. If anything, the game itself fails to live up to the sense of grandiose discovery and wonderment that this track declares you are on the cusp of.

I also voted for the Stellaris track-- more emotionally affecting overall. The synth reminded me of Vangelis’ Blade Runner score in places, and there was even a brief shout-out to Also Sprach Zarathustra in one spot by the timpani.

It pained me not to vote for Deus Ex but that other track is really good.