Game Music 2: Beyond Thunderdome

The big question now is whether we have another OG 'dome, “remix” or themed…? I’m still easy; I could OG all day, but a break might be nice too.

I vote another straight up 'dome, but up for whatever…

I vote we do an all bleep bloop (pre CD era games) dome, just so you old farts can get your C-64 Hubbard man crush out in the open. Own it, live it, we all see it anyhow.

Plus I can hang, old Nintendo games have some solid choices, all your hate for Brinstar Depths heresy aside, so it’ll be a good way to show how some of you @Nightgaunt are wrong about the quality of sound found on 8 and 16 not Nintendo hardware ;)

I look forward to being proven wrong!

Can we launch ourselves in a pedantic fight over whether SNES and its midi qualifies as blipblop and where to draw the line, please!

I drew my line, good sir, doth you not see it! For it is the use of sound recording files that draws the distinction. If it is instructions to a chip, rather than a recorded sound file saved, that defines the debate.

Or would you see the sound qualities of your beloved as unfairly disadvantaged? I dare say not, for I see your selections, audiophile francais, and it doth not inhibit you thus against more technological means.

Fear you not, for this seems fairest. Recorded instruments and recorded voice seem a world different, far more different in gap than the one from C-64 to SNES. So do not back down from challenge sir, accept it!

Good day!


I prefer to let bleepbloops duke it out with everything else, because IMO they don’t belong on the short bus.


More seriously, I’m totally with you.
I am infatuated with arrangers (or programmers if that is how they are credited), over composers, and the feats some pulled on what is crazy technical limitations on the Nintendo 16-bits hardware more than make its presence obligatory.

Added a silly quote because I wasn’t replying to Gordon, obviously!

Thanks Thraeg, was fun!

And I’m up for another.

Have any of us even looked like we were trying to hide it?

Thanks, @Thraeg!

Whether it’s themed or un-themed, I’m looking forward to Dome #3.

Just want to add my thanks to the chorus as well.

Sorry to get everyone’s hopes up, I’m just putting this here because even if Star Citizen doesn’t live up to its budget/vision, this piece of music, ‘From Pupil to Planet’, used in one of their demos is beautiful. Been meaning to share it here for a while but it doesn’t quite fit the 'dome!

Oh fuck, RIP. Waaay too young.

The FOFT track for Amiga that I nominated was a Daglish composition.

I had no idea he was this young. Really liked his lengthy compositions (Deflektor!).

I was only listening to a cover of The Last Ninja theme the other day (by Jamie Maxwell who did the cover of Traps from Turrican 2 that I sent you a while back krok). I do recall Daglish’s name in the 'dome but unfortunately not the tune… ah, yes, I remember this now. Love it.

Here’s that cover because it’s fitting, and a wonderful rendition.

Oh, this sounds interesting too:

A podcast about game music with interviews of the composers?!?!

I know!

If you’re interested in that, check out Music Respawn.

Not listened to it yet but this was just posted:
