Game - The 5 Elements


I will try with Synecdoche New York?


What’s the time frame for a loss in this game? 24h? Or should one start adding hints?

How many guesses can one person take and with what frequency?

Gotta lock down those rules, this is a game forum. :D

Nothing working with keeping it going a few days I’d think. What’s the rush?

Planes trains and automobiles?

The Bucket List?

I think @Buckaroo’s idea was that at some point you add a sixth element to the list (and then a seventh, etc.). I don’t know if 24h is the right amount of time. Maybe less? Might depend on the strength of the new hint.

Anyway, I think this is wrong all over the place, but I’ll make a guess:

You Can Count On Me

Since I invented this game to play with a friend of mine, we didn’t think too much about rules - I would usually try to find the movie for some hours or a day, and then reluctantly ask for another element when I just had enough. On the one end, we were almost certain to pick up a movie the other had seen, which is obviously not at all the case here; on the other end, here, we can be many people trying to guess the movie at the same tine, which makes things easier.

I guess, we have to decide all together what to do in case nobody finds the right movie. The game is after all still “in beta”!
We could also each mention it individually when we would like to have another element -by simply *6 at the end of a message-, or on the contrary prefer continue trying with 5 -by adding *5 at the end of a message, so the person proposing the movie can act accordingly ? Or I’m perhaps making things too difficult for no reason?

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about it all this time, and since it’s not the Royal Tenebaums, I have no clue whatsoever. In particular, I have a hard time putting NYC and “Motorcycle rides” together!

I think it makes sense to add elements gradually if nobody gets it, maybe 1 per day. Just my two cents.

6 - broken oven

You may all have another guess.

Edit: in our other forum games we just let the person with the clues dictate the pace. I think that’s probably fine here too. Rule of thumb is give everyone around 24h to guess before you give everyone else a new clue, but it’s always up to the clue giver.

Oh, it’s Pieces of April.

Yes, that actually sounds like the best idea. I don’t have any experience with forum games - actually, I don’t have much experience with forums or games …

Ding! You’re up now, JoshL.

Had this movie on my mind because while my wife watches it nearly every other year or so during Thanksgiving time, I hadn’t caught it with her for years until this year. I think it’d been 10 or more. I think it holds up pretty well, it’s enjoyable.

Never heard of this movie. Is it any good? Do you guys recommend it?

Should add that, as with the 20:20 game, it’s more fun if we don’t use the internet to try to guess the movie title, but rely on our movie knowledge and memories, as if we were playing this game around a table at the local pub.

Pieces of April is good. You kinda have to like that kind of movie. It’s sort of funny seeing Katie Holmes actually act. She’s pretty good at it when she is in a non-ridiculous movie. I actually saw it a long time ago, so I don’t remember it that well, but “broken oven” is kind of the premise of the movie, so it was a bit of a giveaway :)

Which just makes me paranoid that I’m going to be too obvious…

1 - Skyscraper
2 - Journalist
3 - Pants
4 - Mail room
5 - Snow

Yes, of course! I actually used to play it while cooking most of the time. And I like the way everybody can associate different elements with the same movie - which also makes possible to have the same movie coming back at some point.

The Hudsucker Proxy?

That’s like my favorite film. It’s definitely THP. You beat me to the punch!

Ha, yeah, knew it was too obvious!

Back to you!