Games Journalism 2020 - Who gets the axe this time?




Thanks for posting this. What a nightmare to be female in gaming for the last decade.

It killed good (i.e. non-freemium) cellphone games. That happened before 2019, though.

Some of those games are on GAAS Apple Arcade now :(

Oh man, fuck that. Much respect to all the women who do any damn thing in gaming.

I remember when I first started – 2003 – and hearing from a female coworker about the horror show of the letters she got from prison.


Cellphone gaming killed cellphone gaming?

I love Apple Arcade. 100+ highly curated games with no in-app purchases at all for $5/month

Yes, there is no question that the premium mobile games environment is nowhere near what it was. Freemium reigns supreme.

Came here just to post this article. You beat me to it. Just… don’t… don’t read the fucking comments. Gamers really are the fucking worst human beings on the planet.

Do we have a mobile games recommendation thread? I enjoyed Crandy Crush for a time, but I’ve had enough.

We have separate threads for Android games and Apple games. That way the two don’t need to filter out stuff in their heads. Although, despite being an Android user, I have an Apple TV now, so I have to consider going into the Apple threads now.

Edit: Oh, and we have a pretty long Candy Crush thread. I was starting to get sucked into that. Then I was getting my car repaired, and there was an elderly white lady sitting next to me who said “Oh, are you Candy Crushing? I’ve been trying to get off that habit for the last few months”. I was very late to the party, but I decided I didn’t need another freaking addiction to something I wasn’t really enjoying anyway. Thread.

I mostly play RPGs. There’s not much on mobile…


Here’s another good article. This is how Loaded started a bidding war for streamers.

That’s what I want out of mobile gaming too but there’s hardly anything for people like us it seems. I liked The Quest because it worked well on cell phone but for anything more substantial like Baldur’s gate you need a tablet.

I also tried one of the Fire Emblem games, because I like TRPGs, but it’s so loaded full of extra junk, bells, whistles, etc. I don’t even know how to get to the game part!

Two Kotaku writers have left the website.

Gita Jackson: I think a lot of the minority teenagers, college students, will be happy to have read this. It’s impossible to not be aware of the absence of Brown people in this space. I am friends with a lot of the games journalists in New York City that are people of color. You know, like when we see one up here, we try to meet them because there are not very many of us. So it’s like, it’s impossible to not be aware. I mean, I get messages from young black women who tell me that seeing me do it makes them feel more confident about getting into video games. Part of me wants to be like, wow, thank you, that’s so flattering. And the other part of me wants to be like, THIS IS HELL, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS JOB?

Well at least that matches with what I’ve been hearing for years.

Gita Jackson was my favorite writer at Kotaku, since Tim Rogers mostly does video. She’s a compelling voice and often spotlights lesser-known games I wouldn’t know about otherwise. I hope she finds somewhere else to write, assuming she isn’t in the mood for a career change (which would be understandable). It’s hard not to notice similarities here to the end of Deadspin, but at least Jackson and Rivera are seemingly leaving on their own terms.

You’ll be able to follow her at Motherboard in a couple of weeks.

And she’ll be on the Waypoint podcasts too!