Giveaway thread!

Who wants Deus Ex Mankind Divided? PM me. edit: Gifted to Christopher.

So I guess there were a couple of Humble Bundle games this month I already owned. If anyone is in the market for a copy of Aviary Attorney or Overgrowth, drop me a line.

edit: Aviary Attorney is claimed

Thank you for Aviary Attorney!

@arrendek: I’ll take that Strategy & Tactics bundle off your hands. Thanks!

Hey QT3, I had four Ion Maiden keys to giveaway. To win, all you need to do is be one of the first four to quote this post and say what your favorite Build engine game is and why. It doesn’t have to be a long explanation, just a quick sentence about a weapon, enemy, or level, etc… and the key’s yours!

Thanks for everyone who participated. :)

Duke Nukem for me. I enjoyed the multiplayer quite a bit. Fast paced with fun level design. Nothing better than getting the jet pack and flying up to the hidden window apartment for some sniping.

I wish I had a better answer, but: Duke Nukem 3D, because A. it’s the only one I’ve knowingly owned, and B. Duke’s whole schtick transitioned far better to a first-person/“3D” game than any of Apogee’s other works ever could have.

Redneck Rampage would be my pick, as it is the only one I got to play, as a filthy Macintosh user!
I say “favourite”, but I actually was pretty grossed out by the game and its violence, especially in the first level, toward cows if I remember.
My fondest memory was actually watching a friend’s brother play Shadow Warrior and kicking ass at it. I remember the levels architecture going absolutely crazy. And it was stupid funny jokes gailor!

Edit: Woah, thank you very much!

Duke Nukem 3D for the shrink ray! Still one of my favorite FPS weapons.

Giveaway is officially done. :)

Thanks for the great answers everybody.

Pfft. Blood was the best.

We should have two disqualifications for failing to fully quote the original post!

I have a spare Wasteland 2 Directors Cut if anyone wants, send me a PM for the key. (gone).

Ah crap, I lost the Ion Maiden giveaway. Oh well.

For the record, my favorite Build Engine game was Duke 3D. ;)

Spare steam key for Tomb Raider

PM me, be a forum regular, have at least 100 posts.

So, Rift has a new server out, Rift Prime, which goes back to the old days where it started, meaning no cash shop, hard content, and less classes. It is also subscription ONLY.
I signed up, and bought a package where I got a month subscription, and 2 x 15 days of subscription as a code, to either use myself, or give away.

I REALLY enjoy the game, and wouldn’t mind of others got to enjoy it as well, so, if anyone wants to try it out, and give it a serious lookover, let me know, and I’ll PM the code.

Requirements : Want to try Rift for more than 5 minutes and have time now,

Edit: and all gone.

I have a Deus Ex: Mankind Divided to give away. Please reply to me with an insult that is also a compliment and show your forum chops!

“I heard your wife told you that you have the biggest dick amongst all your friends.”, assuming you have a wife and that you are a man.

Haha! You win!

Thank you good sir. I guess I’m just lucky to be at the right place at the right time with the right joke!