Giveaway thread!

I’ve heard it does, but who wants to live with the shame of turning on easy mode in a game? No one needs to know, true. But you’d know. You’d know.

I can live with that shame. I played Witcher 3 on the easiest difficulty because while I was enjoying the experience I got so friggin’ sick of all the combat.

Witcher 3 is different.

Come on, who’s going to be playing Celeste for the story? The whole point of the game is that it’s a hard platformer.

Yeah, I was enjoying Celeste until it started with Super Meat Boy-like antics and I decided it was just too much for the time being.

I might get back eventually, though. It’s pretty enjoyable when it’s not too hard.

BTW, just to establish my platformer cred here, I thought Ori wasn’t all that hard at all, and Rayman Legends was pretty chill for the most part.

That said, Super Meat Boy and VVVVVV get a nope from me.

Yeah, I’m at the same level as you. Rayman Origins is what made me a fan of 2D platformers (well, Braid first, but then Origins), and slowly guided me into getting better and better. But I’m not good enough for Super Meat Boy and Celeste yet. Rayman Legends seemed easier than Rayman Origins to me, though that could just be because I was a lot better by then. I never did finish that last Land of the Dead level in Rayman Origins though. That still haunts me. Did you finish that one?

I think that, like Gris, it’s actually about abortion.
Also, VVVVVV has a lovely story. I really cared about saving my friends.

Aw man yeah, VVVVVV is a great little game.

It is? I have to admit I played that for about 10 seconds before I said ‘Nope’. And uninstalled it.

It has a certain charm, but if it isn’t working for you then it will fail hard.

I did beat it as well as Super Meat Boy. I have a certain stubborn streak. But while SMB nearly caused me to quit in frustration, never had that with VVVVVV

I don’t know, I haven’t finished Gris but it seems like it could be open to a lot of different interpretations.

Celeste seemed a lot more specifically about anxiety and insecurities. A little more text than subtext. Maybe I could be convinced, but an abortion metaphor seems like a stretch.

How far through Celeste can you get before it becomes super hard? How long is it? I’ve been playing with my seven-year-old and I don’t think I’m real good at platformers, and it feels like it’s been an appropriate amount of difficult for us so far, but we’re only in Chapter 3 (the hotel) and if it’s going to get insane later maybe I’ll try to redirect her to another game before she gets too frustrated.

I just got to a part in Celeste where I am being chased by someone, got tired of trying and retrying, and it’s making it hard to want to go back to it.

Up until that point, I felt the difficulty was reasonable, though tough.

VVVVVV is worth the effort. Also unlike Super Meat Boy, I think it is much more simple to get into, and yet not simpler. A great design.

The End Is Nigh and ABZU are free on Epic Store:

If anybody wants God’s trigger then PM me. Must have been a contributing forum member for at least a year.

Hand woven and artisan crafted Steam keys for free!


Feel free to pick up to 2 games and send me a PM. Be a member of Qt3 for 1 year and have at least 50 posts. I am pretty sure all the keys are unclaimed, if one is sorry in advance. I forget what I give away sometimes.

Dawn of War
Deep Sky Derelicts
Crystal Catacombs
Ravensword: Shadowlands
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
Crusader Kings II: The Republic
**The Crusader Kings stuff can be considered 1 bundle of games.*

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs
Party Hard
Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures
Fantasy Versus
River City Ransom: Underground

Many thanks to @lordkosc for Deep Sky Derelicts!

Endless Space® - Collection free on Humble Bundle for the next 40 hours or so.

Turns out I already owned it, so free to grab if you are too lazy to scroll all the advertising to get to your own SN:

Same here, enjoy folks.

Endless Space - Collection


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