GOG 2019: Good Games Old and New

It seems GOG has the same issue, as their screenshots on the store page are stretched!

These releases aren’t remastered or anything, right? So one would be playing them in a postage stamp sized window?

They’re not remastered no.

Warlords 3 was completely turn-based. “Warlords Battlecry” was the real-time variant.

I keep a virtual machine around on my Mac just so I can play Warlords 3.

You can put black bars on the side so the 4:3 ratio still fills the screen vertically.

Does it use DosBox? I’m sure there’s a way to do just that.

1024x768 is max resolution. And like others mention, it stretches to fit your screen (which is good for me, as it stretches the font out etc).

As for me, I find the game very playable.

This is going to make me have to dig up my custom Warlords II scenario about Lovecraftian creatures fighting over the earth in a Precambrian age…

Holy crap!!! I was just searching the net in vain the other day looking for a playable version of Warlords 3 DLR. Thank god for GOG.

I’ve bought it, installed it and started the bane campaign. I had forgotten just how awesome the music and art is. It really still holds up quite well.

The game is for an earlier version of Windows so it doesn’t use DosBox which means you can’t set the scaling just how you want it. That said, it does scale fine and looks nice for me on the 1024x768 setting. I do have a 16x10 monitor so any stretching isn’t noticeable. It will not run in windowed mode apparently. Also note that to minimize the game you have to click the disk icon and select ‘minimize’ there instead of using alt-tab.

Yea, my monitor is 1080p, it looks fine. I enjoyed what little I could play this morning.

If you use GOG Galaxy, go to the More button (next to Play), select Other, then click the DirectX Settings options. Be sure to set “Aspect ratio correction” to “Enabled (Default)”. It’s set to “Disabled” for some reason.

Depending on graphics card setup, the game should now be displayed in 4:3 ratio, no longer stretched. At least, it worked on my monitor/desktop.

Time to get back to making stacks!

Thats a great idea for a setting.

The Warlords series was an instabuy for me. I purchased the boxed originals when they were new many years ago. I was relieved and quite pleased when Darklords III ran smoothly on my Windows 10 PC as it was finicky back in the days when I played it for hours at a time.

The last time I was as delighted with a GOG purchase as I am with this latest offering was when I bought the WarCraft and Diablo games. What’s next, Emperor of the Fading Suns?

Hush you tease.

Is there any reason to play Wardlord I or II when III is available? I only ever played 3 in a demo, and whilst I really enjoyed it, that was many, many years ago, so I have no idea if the game itself is any good or not :)

My list of “oh shit, I wish GoG had this” games is starting to circle the drain. W3:DLR is pretty much one of those shining games on the hill finally brought back down to earth. I mean, between CyberStorm and this…

I’d love them to circle back and actually get I’76 to work correctly. (And in speaking of that engine, the whole MechWarrior 2 line packaged up and working correctly.)

No. For me, III Darklords Rising is unequivocally the peak of the series (and honestly, for me, it may be close to the peak of strategy games, particularly of that general era).

And NOLF 1 / 2. Would insta-buy those.

Seconded. I started with 2, went back to 1, but when Darlords Rising came out, I never touched them again.

My list is still huge. All Jane’s games. All Star Trek games. The aforementioned NOLF games.

Well, they got the 25th Anniversary adventure game plus Judgment Rites, so at least they started with the important ones.