GOG In the Year of Our Lord 2017

There’s very little I want in that list, but Shadow Warrior 2 would be an awesome get. I’m sure the odds are pretty tiny.

Apparently you can’t get something you already own, so that may help narrowing it down a little. But yes, you may end up with Bionic Commando!

Too much risk of a Steam duplicate, sadly, and with no regifting possible…

Another reason why they need to get more games to transfer over to GoG if you already own them on Steam. I forgot what that was called. And GoG’s page on that is always hard to find.

I bookmarked it. Nothing new there this sale, yet, though.

On the subject of GOG games, I ran into a weird issue today, namely my installed version of Jazzpunk kept failing to update via GOG Galaxy (something about a disk access error). Tried verifying/repairing but still had no luck. I’ll try firing it up directly outside of Galaxy, and if that doesn’t work I guess I’ll uninstall from the Windows Apps control panel, since Galaxy doesn’t seem to give me the option.
Anyone else seen this?

I’ve seen something similar happen when trying to update Hollow Knight - update failed with a “disk access error”. I just downloaded the manual patch, applied it, then went back to Galaxy and tried updating again… and it downloaded nothing, just marked as updated, and worked fine.

It’s something in their update process, I’d bet. If the manual patch fails, I’m afraid you might have to reinstall. :(

Yeah, my GoG copy of Galak-Z kept giving me some kind of error too. Luckily the game itself still ran fine, I just couldn’t launch it through GoG Galaxy, so I never ran GoG Galaxy again, which fixed all my concerns.

Woohoo. GOG finally got hold of Doom 3: BFG Edition ($4.99) and Quake 4 ($3.74). Those prices are 75% of regular price, and good for the next three days.

All Dooms, Quakes, and Wolfensteins they carry are currently also 75% off.

I’ve been waiting for these two games to come to GOG for a long time.
One thing: What is the BFG Edition? Is it the same as the original Doom 3, or better, or worse? I’ve only ever played the original game, installed many times on different systems from my original CD’s. It’s the first new PC game my girlfriend ever bought for me.

Edit: Nevermind. I guess I should have read the text right there on the game page I posted:

“DOOM 3 BFG Edition is the ultimate collection of games that defined the first person shooter including DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, and The Lost Mission.
Multiplayer notice: The DRM free version of Doom 3: BFG Edition is single-player only.”

I picked up the Quake collection and have been playing Quakespasm on my potato laptop the last few days

Man, I miss FAST shooters. I reinstalled Shadow Warrior ('13) just to have something modern to play.

Have you played either Titanfall 2 or TOXIKK? Pretty fast right there.

There are actually some other differences because the BFG Edition is the HD port of the console version. Some level areas were simplified, (cut for memory or fps issues on consoles) some textures were changed entirely, and there’s an integrated time-limited flashlight that stops you from having to switch back and forth from guns to the light. The Resurrection of Evil expansion has multiple enemy encounters that have been pared down or cut due to the memory issues.

Doom and Doom II also have some changes. All Red Cross symbols on health packs have been changed to pill icons. All Nazi references and Wolfenstein Easter Eggs have been cut. Cheats require enabling the console outside the game in the cfg file, whereas in the old version, you only had to type them.

If you’re a purist, or in it for the historical value, the BFG Edition is a no-go. If you don’t care about that stuff, it’s fine.

Huh, I did not know that. I’ve had the BFG edition on my Steam wishlist for some time because I figured it had some stuff my plain old vanilla Doom 3 didn’t contain. Maybe I don’t need it after all.

It does! It has The Lost Mission add-on which was originally a sequence that was cut from the game.

Caveat: Because it’s largely based on cut material, whomever restored it used copy+paste assets from the main game to flesh it out. This video shows some of the reused stuff.

I’m tempted to pick up Doom 3 BFG on GOG but I am worried that Doom 2016 will just make it look like a discarded embarrassment. Actually I know it will.

I hear lawbreakers is good for that. Which is why I haven’t played it - I never had much in the way of reflexes, and they’ve gotten worse with age.

To me, there’s a difference between “twitchy” – your typical MP shooter these days – and “fast”. I consider “fast” in things like Painkiller and Quake et.al. where you’re just barreling along, mowing fools down, switching weapons, and getting into a good rhythm. My reflexes may not be at their UT’99 peak but I still enjoy speeding around a level constantly blasting idiots, broken by the occasional respite. The shooters that get that “fast/slow” pattern are the best for pure shooters.

(That balance is tricky; PK got it right IMO but not Serious Sam, which kept its fighting periods up so long they were tedious).

Doom 2016 curb-stomps D3 in every single respect. I played through D3 some years ago more because it was the most technically advanced shooter out there, rather than actually liking it.

Thanks for the additional info, @Telefrog. Very helpful.
I mean, I’d already insta-bought both games, but now I know to hang on to my boxed CD version of Doom 3 (and expansion) as well. I’m assuming there is no other place to legally download the unchanged game? I hate when games get changed from what I remember playing.

Torchlight and Torchlight II are now available through GOG Connect, so if you own them on Steam, you’ll own them on GOG if you hit the connect button in the next few days.

How do I tell which games are candidates for GOG Connect and which aren’t? My “Available games” and “Unavailable games” lists are both empty.