Greetings from Philadelphia

Yeah, that’s what this is all about. It’s not at all like having a complete stranger come up to you and say “I just bought a new car, a Porsche, and man is it sweet. Man, was it expensive but I could afford it”, only to have you go “who the fuck are you and why should I care about your damn car. What makes you think I give a rat’s ass about your life, and what makes you think I want you to tell me about it? Jerk.” Now, despite your not-so-subtle behaviour the stranger still tries to talk to you about how his brand new Porsche takes corners, which only makes you want to beat his head in with a crowbar.

Now, most people would figure out that my not-so-subtle reference in fact indicates that I want to beat Jose’s head in with a crowbar, but since Jose seems to be duller than a brick I’ll just spell it out for him. Jose, I want to beat your head in with a crowbar until you get a clue, get off the internet or die a bloody and painful death, whichever comes first.

When I used to fly the space shuttle, we had cupholders like that. But then when I became Chairman of the Federal Reserve, we didn’t have them anymore. :(

this is friggin hilarious. i especially like the part will bill makes fun of jose, jose writes back with a completely normal response as though bill never made fun of him, then bill makes fun of him again.

good stuff.

Man, fuck both of those overrated tourist traps. You need to go to Pizza Pros, at Grant and Roosevelt. Tellin’ ya.

Shhh! You’ll break Jose’s fragile illusion that we actually care about his pathetic life. Ah, what am I saying, nothing can crack his crystallized fortress of solitude that is his ego.

Yet you’ve posted three times. You fail even as a flame. :)

The opportunity cost of engaging in a pissing match with Bill is too high.

Management 100 and Writing are two separate classes. The full title of Management 100 is: Management 100: Leadership and Communication in Groups. Our main responsibility is putting together a project. Examples of projects include counseling under privilidged students through the college admissions process, organizing/planning/funding/hosting a silent auction/benefit concert/benefit dinner. Indeed, many consider it the pinnacle of Wharton innovation.

With Squirrel, Ben and Kalle I could pay for several doctoral degrees!

I’m pretty sure you went to The Juilliard School.

Such a radiant display of lack of finesse. How unprestigious. :lol:

Underprivileged, Ivy boy. ;)

And I didn’t realize that charity work and public service was innovative. Only in a business school…

Anyway, enjoy college while you can. And see the city. I’m a big advocate of universities being part of where they are situated and not walled off from what’s going on around you. Plus, it might give you some ideas for your management project.


Hastily written post.:(

The charity isn’t really the innovation, the fact that students organize and run the entire project is.

Such a radiant display of lack of finesse. How unprestigious. :lol:[/quote]

You really should work in a class in communication. I’m pretty sure you were giggling like a school girl as you sat hunched over your keyboard and typed this as some kind of oh-so-witty insult, but I’m sitting here wondering what part of it am I supposed to take offense at?

Why bother using my wits when you’re unable to reply in kind? Shut the hell up or I’ll punch your face in is the kind of blunt and direct message even you will comprehend.

No flames, just jokes. And the more you think we actually care about you more than as the butt of those jokes, the funnier those jokes become.

With Squirrel, Ben and Kalle I could pay for several doctoral degrees![/quote]
I can’t speak for Ben or Kalle, but I can assure you that I am not envious of going to college with someone as self-absorbed as you. But hey, at least your football team is 4-0. I guess I am a little envious of that.

I can see it now, the recruiting campain for next year:

Wharton - Home of the inventors of student run outreach programs! Plus, we have lots of police to keep you safe from the under privilidged.\


Edited because I took Squirrel Killer too seriously.

The joke is restored.

Edited again to achieve some level of social correctness and grace. :)

Carnifex- Was SK’s joke, but now unruined! Yay!

Funny how you think most people here share your sentiments. Many in this very thread have expressed otherwise. But don’t let that distract you from your imaginary groupthink.

Physical threats on a message board? Is there nothing to do in Sweden?

I’m self-absorbed because I posted some thoughts on my first month at school? In my opinion, you are more self-absorbed because you felt it was just fucking necessary to express your disapproval of a thread in that thread.

Now, you may continue posting your idiotic flames.

How many people want to bet that Jose is counting Bill D. on his side?

Glad you didn’t attempt to make an actual rebuttal. Because, you know, that would have been hard and taken intelligence. You might as well resort to threatening to beat me like Kalle!

This thread is the single greatest thing I’ve read all day, by far.

It’s times like this I wish wumpus was still allowed to post.

Is that a FACT? Besides, why in the world would I try to rebutt someone who has never lost an argument on this forum? Are you making more than chet now? Are you still on Newfoundland time?

I know, I know, I know… how about you spam half the forum with PM’s saying “Have a fine afternoon!”

It’s not imaginary. The rest of the board also hates you, we’re just not bothering to post.

See, here is the crux of the matter. Why would you think we care about your first month in school? We are not your best friends since kindergarten. We are not your family. We are not people who have any kind of attachment to your life at all, and when you are acting like we do you are seen as rude and obnoxious. Random strangers do not want to know about your life. I know you have a hard time grasping that concept, but that is your problem. If you break social codes, people get pissed at you, as simple as that.