Grognard Wargamer Thread!

Thanks for your reply.

It’s seems like an interesting system, and the battalion level is my favorite for this era.

The objective system, coupled with the random activation system struck me as particularly intersting design choice.

Seems like it would suitable for solitary play.

Battle of Hong Kong is the new hipster theme.

Nice - Gin Drinkers advance!

So, a friend is coming over who is a gamer but not really a wargamer, but for some reason has always really wanted to play Paths of Glory for various reasons, also WWI. So what I thought I would do would be to teach him three separate, very different WWI games: Paths of Glory, The Lamps Are Going Out, and Fields of Despair. Then see what he thinks - if Paths of Glory is still his Holy Grail game.

Saturday is reserved for Cataclysm - we’re going to have to do it three-player, as my third and fourth players have non-concurrent free days.

I also really want to show him Empire of the Sun. He gets here today and leaves late Sunday, so we have 3.5 days to do all this.

Coincidentally, my wife flew to LA for the weekend to visit friends and go shopping. That’s not really a coincidence.

Yes, please expand his horizons beyond a point to point game where the cards not only drive, but drive on autopilot

Never mind all this face to face gaming, where is the rest of your SATR AAR?! :)

I have the pics! Just need to format and post.

I’ve been reading wargame rules for the past two days, though.

Got my first OCS game.

Please let us know what you think of it. I for one am a big Eastern Front fan.

Yeah need teh reportz!

Skies Above the Reich review from The Players Aid:

He liked it! :)

Trip report on the solitaire OCS smolensk ‘tutorial’ of sorts: I am highly inefficient at the use of supply, i just used the 7pz to bludgeon my way into Vitebsk and used up the entire dump and all of its truck as well. I think there’s a more efficient way to do this. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Mmmm, Skies Above the Reich is still unavailable here… I was hoping it would be out by now. This means I have to wait at least until September now.

Good for my wallet, I guess…

Can any grogs share their thoughts with me regarding the Wars Across the World game/system? I read about a ridiculous Innsmouth scenario they have apparently released for it and that kind of nonsense is absolutely my jam.

Just in case anyone wants to follow the games. There are pictures of wargames in progress.

I have the game and I like it. There were a lot of bugs at the beginning, but the designers release patches regularly and the scenarios are now quite playable. I have been wargaming since 1970 and the game is a true grognard’s delight. I am looking forward to the Spanish Civil War scenario being released on August 8.

It’s calling to me, but the site doesn’t seem to mention a lot of tech specs, etc. Is the game turn-based? Scale is obviously scenario-dependent. Is it Multi-Player capable? How (Hotseat, PBEM, Live)?

EDIT: I see it’s on steam. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to buying it on Steam as opposed to buying it at their website?

Second EDIT: The Steam reviews are mixed. Turn based. Poor AI. No Campaigns and a very simplistic “system” seems to be the verdict there. The attempt to simulate “All wars, everywhere” seem to have led to a Lowest Common Denominator system. Not “purpose-built”. Always a killer. I may buy the basic pack and try Korea as well to get a taste.

Advantage: You can refund most (all?) games on Steam if you play them for less than two hours.

Thanks for that! Strategy determined!

Thanks, Don!