Grounded - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids by Obsidian

Wow nice!

Is there a way to sort my inventory?

No, but it’s a frequently requested feature. I keep my equipment in the bottom row so it doesn’t get shuffled around so much.

Bottom row?

Any suggestions On a good place to build my main base or maybe house? Right now I’m just setup next to the identifier thing.

Also is there any way to have your gamepad bring up the map directly? Right now it takes me several clicks to get to it.

Be careful, I believe a wolf spider occasionally patrols the area. Source: my bloodless corpse next to the first analyser station.

I’m spending the majority of my time acquiring fluids. Is there a better way to get them, than throwing rocks at the dew on grass? I made 2 canteens, but it doesn’t look like I can use both to store 4 instead of just 2 drops of water.

You can hit the grass and it falls to the ground and you can drink or store it in the canteen. Later you can build a dew collector.

How large is the world map? It sounds like it is static/handcrafted.

Ahhh much easier. Thanks!

You definitely can, just equip the empty canteen manually. There’s better 4-drop canteen available later. You can also place liquid storage under a juice box straw to collect it passively.

It’s big enough and pretty dense. I’m at ~50 hours on my solo save and have a few areas left (picnic table, sandbox, black ant nest) to explore in the lower yard which is ~60% of the 2D map.

The yard is something like 10x10 meters or more, and the player is around 1 cm tall, so it’s somewhere in the ballpark of a 1 km squared “normal” size map equivalent.

I get Skyrim vibes climbing things and looking around, not to mention having my inventory always fill up.

I can’t wait for them to at least allow larger stacks of items! I am sure mods will allow that soon, if not already.

I finally joined up with my wife. We are really enjoying it so far.

Stack size upgrades are already in the game, and they apply to both inventory and storage.

Oh damn! I must have missed it. Have to check into that. Thanks!

Thanks for this hint! Very helpful.

I can’t figure out where to find grubs.

You need a shovel to dig them up. There are grubs in the tunnel where you de-mited the laser tripod cable, after breaking through the rocks. Be aware that Larva also burrow around, but those are much noisier.

It’s tedious to farm them, but the grub armor set was my early favorite for the stamina bonus.

Well, I bought it and sunk about five hours into it. Easy mode is THE WAY. Still plenty challenging and I’m certainly not taking down anything ahead of when I should, there’s a field station that is a complete deathtrap early in the game and I learned my lesson twice trying to retrieve my stuff. Exactly what I thought it was going to be so far, which is a good thing.

I’ve been fighting with spears more or less exclusively, and throwing is the thing for non-dangerous animals, one hit kill (again, on Easy mode) on them. The trick to it is the spear throws high right in front of you, about an ant’s head worth so aim at their chin, and dead on at what feels like four body lengths. After that the speed and drop do make them really hard to use, but inside if you can hit, they really do the job. Pro tip though, I’ve about determined that you can’t throw a spear out of a field station, so you can’t cheese a big thing by hiding in it, and they can strike through the walls somewhat. I do wish you could stack at least 3 of them in a slot instead of one each, but that’s a balancing mechanic I can respect.

Otherwise, other than getting myself into one spot where I got ambushed and then again going for my backpack, I’ve found the aggressive bugs pretty easy to run from. The stamina is generous, IMO.

Any tips for combat? Because I am HORRIBLE at it. I have grub armor and cannot get a soldier ant or stink bug even 1/3 of the way down before I die. (Playing on medium).

Perfect blocking is everything. Having a shield can help for when you miss the perfect block.

Ok I’ll work on timing.

BTW in the tree lamb I dropped down into the cave system on accident, the one with the water, and I have no lights with me! Is there some way I can get out? Gah!

Medium is pretty hard. I’ve died plenty times on mild.

We have settled into a custom set of rules we like with Medium difficulty.

We set it so we keep our items on death (not interested in corpse/item retrieval), no equipment tool/armor damage (some items are hard enough to get, not interested in constantly having to repair - torches still wear out), and hunger/thirst on. Hunger/thirst appears to be pretty embedded throughout so it would eliminate quite a bit of the game to remove it. Plus, it isn’t too bad to keep up with.