Guild Wars 2: join us for Qt3 guild events, Fridays, starting 5pm Pacific!

Just a bump to remind folks this is on again for tomorrow night! We’ve unlocked guild rushes, which should be, uh, interesting, since they’re entirely new to most of us. Afterwards, stick around for WvW, dungeons, fractals, or just general tomfoolery as folks see fit!

And remember to join us on Raid Call, even if it’s just to listen in.


I’m bummed I won’t be able to be there tomorrow night; it was such a great time last week. Good luck on the tomfoolery achievement (though I doubt you all will need it – luck, that is)!

I’d love to pop in tomorrow with you guys. I’m going to try to clear my schedule.

I might be a bit late, but looking forward to this. QT3 game events are always fun.

Is it possible to guest onto the server for the guild events? I’m currently on Tarnished Coast…

Yes, I’m on TC and guested over last time. The only issue I had was not being able to see the bounty targets in the Guild tab.

I’d definitely like to participate in this, though I’ll need to guest over from GoM. I’m particularly interested in dungeon runs, including fractals.

I would love to give this a try. Hope no one minds that I have no clue how these work as I have just pretty much been soloing it so far.

Whew, that was again a lot of fun. Thanks, all! I cannot believe how freakin’ epic that Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle was, especially given that it’s in the World vs World area with full-on PvP. But I love that we were working side-by-side with enemies under a tacit agreement not to attack each other. A little /bowing seems to go a long way. And what a boon we had in that player patiently helping us along. Aura Slicer X, I think? I wouldn’t have finished without her. And Mira Coppertone with her portals.

On the less gratifying side, it seems like you really do need to be leveled up for the fractals, as I think we found that out the hard way. It also looks like we need more than ten to make much progress with some of the guild activities, but at least we now have a more reasonable sense for what we can and can’t do. Mike (aka omsion aka fdsion) is such a huge help there.

The voice chat is also nice and I apologize if I was muting WarpRattler for everyone. I think because I’m an admin on the Raid Call channel, I might have muted you globally instead of just for my sound. But the distortion in your mic was killing me, particularly given how, uh, enthusiastic you were to participate in the conversation. :) But it’s great to get to talk to everyone while we play. I also really enjoy just splitting off to do lower level stuff if that’s more convenient for everyone. I enjoyed running around with Ken, Peter, and Barac in the Gendarran Fields.

More next week, if not before!


We’d love for you to join us. Just make sure you’re in the guild – post your account name here if you aren’t and someone will send you an invite – and show up on Friday nights!


I’m going to have to see if I can figure out a good way to test my mic settings outside of actually talking to other people. Anyone know any good methods/software for that, if the regular microphone configuration stuff in Windows ends up not working for that purpose?

I had a lot of fun as well, though guesting causes a lot of silly problems; in particular, getting stuck in the queue for WvW when you guys went to run the jumping puzzle was a pain. I ended up spending an hour killing stuff and getting loot in the Gendarran Fields while you guys jumped around and fell and such, and by the time it gave me the option to go to WvW, you guys had just finished.

The Obsidian Sanctum was indeed crazy epic. I’m hoping by the next guild event I’ll have a few more levels under my belt and can contribute more to some of the events, but we’ll see.

Had fun as well last night. I still need to complete a Guild Rush event. The bounty event was good but spent way too much time getting to the second one. Map exploration seems in order.

I don’t believe guesting allows you to access WvW - you just go to your regular matchup. Unless of course, your normal server is also matched up against us. In which case we’ll have to kill you. Maybe several times.

Yeah, we figured that as well. I was just going to go into WvW and run through the jumping puzzle with the other guys in spirit.

Thanks Tom. I am in the guild, I am the Peter who was talking about removing various and sundry organs last night. Had a great time. As someone who plays very little online with other people, it was a blast to run around with the group last night. I hope to have some time this week to level up a bit more, so perhaps next Friday I will be better positioned to be a contributing player.

Either way, I had a lot of fun and look forward to more. It was very cool to see the cooperation that was just freely offered by people, as Tom mentioned.

And I was right. Guild runs, bounties, Fractals and all on voice chat.

I tried catching up with the jumping puzzle group, but took an eternity to figure out how to get there. Finished it up later and thought it was pretty neat.

Looking forward to future runs and hopefully some more participants.

And just to reiterate, because of the way Guild Wars 2 is structured, we don’t have to bang our heads against guild events on Fridays. No one should feel compelled to level up over the course of the week in order to join us on Fridays. The game lends itself perfectly to higher levels and lower levels being able to play with each other.

I think next Friday, we might consider sampling the World vs World for a bit, and then dividing people into groups of five to do some level appropriate content together. As I mentioned, I had a great time with Ken, Peter, and malk just faffing about the Genarran Fields before we got distracted by the jumping puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum. Which was really cool but, frankly, a terrible group activity.


I won’t be able to participate in WvW due to the guesting business, but I’ll gladly run around in PvE with anyone else who doesn’t want to/can’t do WvW.

For those who haven’t looked into it yet, WvW upscales you to level 80, but unlike fractals, you should have a lot more allies to make things easier. WvW has its own separate experience system, as well.

As far as level-appropriate content, while I’m up for killing monsters anywhere, I’m hoping to get more materials to level up my crafting disciplines, but I don’t know how much progress I’ll make on that during the week; I’m close to leveling up tailoring and artificing to tier 4 and tier 3 respectively, and I’d need to be in level ~30-50 areas to get more of those materials.

I guess I must’ve been doing something wrong then, because when I was with you guys I was pretty much just dying every 15 seconds. I suspect that now, at level 28, I might do a little better…