Guild Wars: Guild Hall Vote

No, there is no guild storage or anything like that, so you would probably just want to give it to one of the people that’s on all the time – me (leader), any of the officers, Rider Matou, Hedyn Brand, Red Bane… hehe. I’m only coming up with names of people I group with frequently. I’m on most nights for at least an hour or two, though, so it shouldn’t be too hard.

Honestly, if you have low level characters and you’re going to be consolidating 500g between them, you’re probably better off using that gold to advance your game. I appreciate the offer, but you’ll need that to buy expert salvage kits, etc.

Your worlds are colliding!! COLLIDING!

So from what I understand, we have the money and are looking for a seller. That’s as of last night. Any progress?

I couldn’t find any “reliable” sellers last night. I gave all the money to Tom and he was going to see what he could accomplish this afternoon, then try to hand the money off to someone else who’s not E3 bound so they could then give it back to me tonight.

But yeah, we had 47k as of about 3 this morning, and if Tom is playing this afternoon for a couple of hours, we should have broken 50k. Earlier yesterday (when we only had 40k) I saw one that was going for 50, so we should be in the right neighborhood now.

Have you tried the Sigil Trader in the Tombs outpost?

I haven’t tried that one, but I tried the one in Lion’s Arch many times. I thought the the item economies were the same across the whole game – is that not correct?

My understanding (based on forum posts, mostly) was that PvP guilds and other hoople-heads are camping the sigil traders. I have never actually seen a sigil for sale from the trader.

Hrmmm you aren’t seeing any? So people are camping the traders, buying them up and then selling them for higher prices?

That’s the word on the street.

A week or so ago (when we decided to start raising money), they could be bought on the market for ~20k. In the last week, week and a half, the price has almost trippled. None of the times that I (or anyone else I have spoken to about it) have tried to look at the Sigil Trader, have they actually had anything in stock.

I don’t know how often stock is supposed to be replenished (or whether it’s actually only replenished when someone who holds the HoH sells theirs to the trader), but I’ve never attempted to camp the trader myself.

I got the impression that you guys were (at least on some level) aware of this. It certainly is discussed a lot in the forums at The Guild Hall and I assume elsewhere. I feel sure that Gaile has weighed in on it in the past, though I don’t have a link or anything.

Edit: Not sure if this link will work, but here are a few threads I found by searching for “sigil camp”.

I only tried a couple of times this afternoon, but still no luck. The trading channels get ungodly noisy.


P.S. John Kenneth Galbraith is dead!

Hehe, It’s very likely that “we” are aware of it mithout “me” being aware of it. E3 is kind of stealing focus away from most of the issues so I’ll have to check and make sure the proper people are definately aware.

So everybody knows, our illustrious Tom has purchased us a Celestial Sigil, and we are now the proud owners of a Guild Hall that we probably won’t use a whole lot for a while. If you’d like to explore, hit G, then look in the islands in the middle of the map – you have a new area to warp to.

I like it a lot, but I really do hope they add some stuff to do there when you’re just hanging out. I really like the idea of the guild hall being our home, and a place that we can go to chill, but right now it’s pretty much just some henchmen and a big quicksand pit.

But it’s OUR quicksand pit.

With teleporters.

I know, and that’s what’s cool about it. But teleporting to the quicksand pit and splashing around in it is only fun for so long.

We foolishly decided to play a quick GvG match as soon as we bought it. It was like… 2 level 18’s a level 16, a level 17 and four henchmen. :) We got killed in less than a Minute, I’m pretty sure.

I’d like to do a GvG match but I don’t feel like making a PvP only character.

Holy crap, we got a Guild Hall? Man, the one evening I don’t have time to log on! :o

Can’t wait to see this baby through the eyes of a TNT2!

By the way Tom, how much was it? 90k? :wink:

I pitched in a meager amount and if anyone needs further compensation, I have gathered some more which I would be happy to offer. (That is, if my fucking cable connection works for longer than 10 minutes today. GRRR!)

We lasted almost 2 minutes man, and we totally killed that NPC archer! Did you see how we killed that guy!

Was a good time, I ended up making a level 20 and did arena for a bit to get better at PvP. Had some meh groups but then got into one that was rocking, we ended up going 4 Flawless victories in a row before I had to log.

We need to figure out what the objective for the GvG is. Also, we need to learn our own map and know where the choke/defence points are. Also having 8 people would help.

After our mauling at the guild hall John (roberdjp) and I tried the tournament a bit. He was initially a mo/e and I was running the trapper ranger build. Our group sucked so we didn’t last long and we moved onto the team arenas where we had some success. Then John changed to an anti-warrior necro/mesmer build and we got hooked up with a couple of decent players (a mo/me and a wa/e). We had a few good runs of 3 or 4 then managed to go 8 straight wins before we quit.

Anyway, I guess my point is if we ever want to be competative we need to be able to field at least a group of 4 players at a time to work on PvP tactics. John and I were working well together with me setting traps and he was running people through them so he could get away and get healed. Using TS we should be able to do well.

– Xaroc