Hades (SuperGiant Games)

Just wait for the sequel set in the Pacific Theater!

Fired it up today for the first time in three months exactly. Achievements on Epic appear to be bugged. They claimed it would award them retroactively, but it awarded zero for me, and even though I did what two of them (at least) call for today (finish Asphodel and Elysium), they weren’t awarded, although a different achievement for something or other was awarded. I don’t usually care about achievements, but if you’re going to implement them at least make them work.

Impeccable taste as always. It’s my game of the year in a walk.

It’s my GotY so far too, and it’s not even particularly close right now.

This is so good that it’s not even turn-based and it’s probably my GotY thus far!

I played a couple hours of this in EA before shelving it to wait for 1.0. Got to the second area a few times, and unlocked a sprinkling of stuff with the various currencies. When diving back in, is it safe to continue the existing save, or did they add cool stuff to the early hours that I should restart to see?

I would keep going.
Unless you are godlike in this game, chances are you’ll die to the third or fourth boss and start from level 1 again and pick up any missed conversations, events, etc.

I don’t think there is anything in the “early” game or whatever that’s missable. It’s not really that kind of game, you just keep going round and round.

Ok great, thanks

Did someone hack @Brooski’s account? I refuse to believe this is a genuine comment from Brooski. I was expecting Versailles 1919 or something like that. Or 2020 has been too strange a year?

Edit: It’s my GOTY too and there’s still so much to try out the combination of boons and aspects in the game.

I’m not very far - I just killed the first bawss. But I’m loving it. It is so meticulously paced it is like some secretive game artisans worked on it forever until it was perfectly perfect.

I’ve debated buying this multiple times, but haven’t, only because I expect to be absolutely terrible at it, even with god mode.

If I had a Switch I would totally buy it a second time. Got more than enough playtime out of the game during Early Access to happily send some more money Supergiant’s way. And the way Hades is structured makes for a good portable experience, i.e. you can kill a few minutes by just clearing a few rooms or play a full session or two during a longer commute. (A full run is usually 25-30 minutes.)

As someone who is terrible at it, I think the great thing here is it is never really frustrating. You always get a little better, and when you die you have tried something new. New stuff just keeps rolling out even when you’re pretty bad. :)

I haven’t stooped to god mode yet…

This game is really good. Great effort by Supergiant.

I imagine I will end up getting it and maybe getting past Meg, sort of how I did with Gungeon. I could buy it on epic for 10 right now, which seems criminal, but I’ve been planning to use that coupon on Squadrons. I will probably pick it up during Epic’s next sale

Did they make this game harder? It seems harder.

Hades fight for me is much harder than EA version. Now Hades will summon multiple random armored Elysium adds in mid fight and it’s so effing annoying to have to deal with that butterflies, shielded adds, archers, or chariots while fighting Hades. His lasers in 2nd phase are also much faster and deadlier.

Yes, the armored inferno bombers in particular just took forever to kill and are probably the reason I ended up losing that fight by not very much (and I lost a Death Defiance on the way, too, which usually doesn’t happen).

Armored enemies in general just kind of suck and aren’t fun, and the shield guys in Elysium are the most not fun of all.

The shield guys in Elysium are the most not fun of all.

Amen to that, shield dudes really suck. Elysium in general is annoying…I also hate the “Surprise, you get to fight the Minotaur twice” room I keep getting. And somehow he’s 80% health 2 rooms later after you nearly beat him to death.

It kinda seems like a missed opportunity that you can’t just kill him right there and make the stage end fight easier. Instead I just get annoyed I have to fight him twice.