Hades (SuperGiant Games)

Hopefully the money will help them un-fuck the Switch version.

Wonder how many of those million have played it. Deep Rock Galactic sold a similar amount, I think, but something like a quarter of players don’t even have the “finish one mission” achievement.

What do you mean?

Wait, what?! I was literally planning to buy it tonight for the Switch. Is there a Switch issue?

No, the Switch is fine. I’ve been playing & loving it. I had one crash (but no data loss) but other than that, it’s been fine. Some people have experienced some frame rate issues but nothing has popped up in my 6+ hours of play that I’d called ‘fucked’.

We must be playing different games…

Are you playing handheld or docked? Have you played much in the second area?

Playing handheld exclusively, so it’s possible there are differences there. I’ve seen some slowdown, esp. with the Witches that do bullet hell spiral patterns, but nothing that I’d say is particularly bad. Maybe I’m just not that sensitive to it, or my play style isn’t overly affected by it.

Any slowdown is bad to me, knowing I could have played on PC and had none. :)

I’m playing docked, and it’s a pretty common occurrence. And I guess I am quite sensitive to it.

The challenge areas tend to drop frames for much of the fight. Then in the second zone most of the fights are dropping frames somewhere, thanks to many more alpha effects I suspect. Once you have bombs and waves and orbs flying everywhere.

Hmm, playing docked, played a lot in the 2nd area, with some in the 3rd. Maybe it’s so frantic running around that I’m not noticing any slowdown! I’ve been doing a lot of dash attacks in my most recent runs.

It’s when it gets frantic that it sticks out more to me, as manoeuvring fidelity drops :)

A recent one of mine was dash-based too, I had 4 dashes with each leaving the blade thing behind it. Was great spamming dashes around, but add in all the enemies and their effects it was getting pretty dicey.

There is no equivalent achievement, the closest one is ‘finish Tartarus’, the first world of four, done by 36.3% of players.

I’ve played many hours on Switch both docked and undocked (mostly docked), up to the 4th level, and I’ve noticed very few performance issues. Framerate drops happen in some rare very crowded battles but it hasn’t been bad enough for me to consider it a huge problem. It’s possible I’m less sensitive to framerate drops since my gaming PC is 8 years old, but the game is extremely playable even if it may be worse than I notice.

The developers did a Q&A on Reddit today.

I wonder which it is, ‘certainly’ or ‘may’? :)

Certainly more performance improvements may come with later patches.

Allow me a super-dumb newbie question . . . .

. . . when I clear a room, sometimes there is more than one exit and the globes within them have different things inside them. I think these are boosts / boons / currency of some sort, but after a couple hours of play I am still unsure what they are for and how to recognize them from each other. I bet this should be obvious. What should I know?

They’re showing you what the reward will be in that next area. A bag of coins means the next area is a vendor. The wing means it’ll be a boon from Hermes, lightning bolt from Zeus, etc.

After you’ve cleared an area, the reward object will match the object that was above the entryway to that room.

Yeah, it takes a while to recognize them by sight.

There’s a couple not on there (there’s an exclamation mark one that leads to a friendly encounter - Sisyphus and that one other guy), and one for Charon’s shop that looks like a skull in a bag.

There’s also choice rooms with 2 boons symbols. In those rooms you actually get both, but you the fight has the god you didn’t choose first cast magic at you.

Also, sometimes in addition, the door will have a small skull emblem for an elite/mini boss encounter, or a skull with a ribbon for a boss.

The 9th God symbol is Demeter, which is pretty good too.

awesome thank you @CLWheeljack @rowe33 :-)

This is easily my best game of 2020.

Best game of all time? Quite possibly.