Hall Monitors: Is there an "I Just Got a New Kitty" Thread?

I might recommend Liquid Leather.

That chair is like 70 years old.

Ripley - cool name. XPav, you should have named your remaining cats Newt, Hicks, or Bishop.

Here’s Bishop.

It was wild, the guy is an avid hunter and he shot the squirrels mother so he raised it from a baby.

IIRC it did use a litter box.

Isn’t having squirrel as pets against the law? I read that squirrels are too wild and hard to keep as to make good pets.

Here’s another shot of Data w/a quarter (and, evidently, a hair) for frame of reference. He’s a little 'un.


Depends on the state. In wisconsin you can keep pretty much any local wild animal as a pet as long as you get a permit.

(No prairie dogs though)

He’s so cute! Didn’t realize how little he was. BTW, it looks like he has human eyes in that pic, not cat eyes.

Data IS cute. Tiny little thing!

He seems quite serious for a kitten in all those photos.

He’s still got that “I’m mentally cataloging each of these times you pester me, you know. They will not be forgotten,” look going.

Aww, he’s a sweetie, even if he has a diabolical look in those pics.

The quarter had been closer to him for reference, but the split second before I snapped he bopped it away.

Then, after the shoot, he demanded $500 per hour with a 2-hour minimum for face modeling. Or something.

The trouble is that cute widdle kittens sometimes grow up to be huge monster cats who leave a wake of destruction behind them.

Somebody un-mat that cat, stat!

He was unmatted at that particular point. He just wasn’t brushed and all neat for the photo (that was the point of the photo).

Here is my little bundle of fun

He loved watching me play fallout 3.

This was when he was something like 2 months old.