Halo 4 is half the game it should be

total rubbish, this is the ONLY reviewer that has given this game less than 7 out of ten, looking at some of the other reviews on this site its seems completely based on someones opinion instead of being an unbiased review, utter crap, boycott the site

As bad as a 100% review. Completely moronic.

I sold mine same day. Wasn't for me. I called it Hallow 4

Sold mine on eBay same day of release. Ugh

I'm sorry, but since when did reviews have to cater to your opinion of a game? The point of a review is to inform the reader so they can make consciencious decisions on whether or not they should spend their money on a game or not. Resident Evil 6 is a perfect example of this. Gamespot gave the game a 4.5 and people ripped them a new one. Well after spending 2 weeks with the game, I give it a 6/10 because it wasn't as bad as Gamespot said, but it wasn't that great of a game either. In fact, for a $60 game (or $90 in my case), it out right sucked.

I'll leave my response here: http://www.digitaltrends.com/g...

1. You have to ride on a scripted vehicle that slowly goes forward down a canyon shooting at waves of enemies.

2. You get cool looking alien energy weapons that turn out to just be orange machine guns and sniper rifles piled onto the already massive heap of machine guns and sniper rifles in the game.

3. There's an AI character who goes insane and its not even remotely as interesting and well done as glados or shodan or durandel or whatever because the game is so generic, self serious, and full of military crap. Also this character looks like she's on loan from dead or alive. And there's something that looks like an orc, in other words a plain jane monster.

4. The overall story is about an ancient alien thing that's going to destroy the world and how military people in the military must military the hell out of the joint and military military military solider warfare warfighter marine war never changes semper fi ops actual find some cover.

Sounds like current gen business as usual.

But a zero implies the game has horrible graphics, coding and features that mean playing it is literally impossible.

For example I dont like JRPGs but if i reviewed one the lowest i would go (assuming there is functionally nothing wrong with the game) is about a 4/5. Going lower just because I didn't like it is just petty.

Yes reviews are subjective opinions but the best reviewers know that they have to use objective facts and try and find a balanced opinion. You can't just say "I didn't like it therefore it's utter shite!"

Is this reviewer a mental retard?

Wtf is this trash site and why is it listed on Gamerankings?

PS. I swear to god I dont even own xbox console or the Halo games. I jsut think its ridicilous when some sites take a shit on qulity games when its clearly well made product.

With this review, Jim Sterling looks like a hero...

I must say that I agree with this review and I', not some hater, loved the prevous halos. But cmon; just because this game has some nice graphics (ther are AWESOME) doesnt make it the best halo. To popint out, I have bot tried the multiplayer, never cared that much for it, but the campaign which is waht made me love all halo games and replay them over and over again. This game's campaign practically sucks in several ways. First of the story; MAN is it bland and difficult to follow! I have actualy read about 5 halo novels, several comics and watched a film, I DIDNTR UNDERSTAND A THING! Ok, some evil forerunner wants to kill humanity and cortana is going crazy but so what? I need to have motives, logic and real emotions integrated in my fullfillign story and wow does this game lack that. Some many inconsistencies that I don't know where to start, from where did Cortana all of a sudden have only a life span of 7 years, why oh WHY!? are elites attacking chief, did the didact actually destory LA as stated in the review or what happened, why are Halsey chained in the beginning, why does master chief suddenly have emotions and wwho the fuck are didact and the librarian!? This game basically throws so much at you without any explanation that you just dont care AT ALL. And the story isnt good just because master chief has more lines then ever, its tottally unoriginal and as alreaddy stated a thousand times, amazingly incosistent and badly implemented. As well as gameplay goes it's identical to halo 1 which is almost 15 years old now except worse objectives (push this button over and over again) and actually smaller maps (yeah I know the vistas are bigger and the horizon might be placed some miles farther away but what do i care if i cant walk over there, doesnt make the levels themselves bigger). It's also short, has worse checkpoints than ever, an anticlimatic boss encounter and overalla a "copy paste" tone over it. Just shamefull.

But they do get to fire the gun...

This review shows that I simply can't trust you to separate your personal enjoyment (or dislike) of something from the actual value of the product; an ability essential to quality reviewing. You fail to understand that even if something doesn't tickle your fancy, that doesn't change whether or not said thing is a quality product or not. Not liking the taste of beef doesn't change the fact that a well-prepared steak is still a high quality food.

Get what I'm saying? A chef doesn't have to like the flavor of beef to understand the basic principles behind a good cut of quality beef. You have failed to recognize the difference.

I have only ever visited this site once. I currently have no reason to ever come back.

Just finished the campaign and i'm wondering how these idiotic shitty website counts as a review on gamerankings ? How is that possible ? lol Anyway, what an amazing game. Probably my favorite Halo !

Just finished the campaign and i'm wondering how this idiotic shitty website counts as a review on gamerankings ? How is that possible ? lol Anyway, what an amazing game. Probably my favorite Halo !

Fuck you Tom Chick for not having the exact same opinion as the rest of the world. I came here to be angry at you so I am going away... happy? Awww, fuckin A.

The only instance in which you would be correct is if you believe a review can only be a cold, hard quantification of the make up of a game. Graphics=x, sound=y, challenge=z. x+y+z=(games score).

Sometimes people who review games want to offer something a bit different than the tired product review that you can find on any number of other gaming sites (if you want your opinion validated go check the Polygon review). This is a critique, which is something that Tom Chick has always done. A critique is not a review in that it is an opinionated statement of what that person feels the value (not monetarily) of an artistic endeavor is.

Get over yourself.
Fuckin internet losers and their boycotts.

No it doesn't. It means that they really did not like that game at all.