Halo 4 is half the game it should be

This review is absolute biased garbage.

As a person who actually played the game, I can tell you he did not. You had a simple job. The game is "half it should be" because you only played half of it you twit. Your review is half it should be.

You know, it's funny. I have a decent gaming rig. I like to play Skyrim and Battlefield 3 on them. But I have 80 games for my Xbox because I'm not a elitist d!psh!t who insists that graphics make the game. You intolerable c&nts are the reason that devs spend so much time on the graphics in the engine that they can't work on the actual game.

Human Revolutions Meta is 89

i completely fucking agree. there is no genius that bungie had in this game.

and theres no subtle brilliance or taste either. it's no where near as good as the past halos.

Ahm, excuse me, idiot, did YOU (yeah, I talking about you, not your sibling, not your parent, not another dude on Youtube) even play the fucking game? Come on. On the first part you talk about how you do not fire the Mammoth's bad ass gun, well, guess what, you actually fire it, thrice if I'm correct. Come on, Metacritic lists you, you should at least TRY to give an actual review, not just random gibberish about a game. Or if you want to still give your not-at-all reviews, ask (yeah, you do) Metacritic to stop listing you, and then continue to be the same amateur faggot who can not even pay attention to what he is supposedly playing.

Nothing beats a terrible review of a great game to muster up hits for an amateur web site - good effort!

Is this site for real? Lol

I guess this site is running by people that are brainless and hate good games. Or you guys shouldn't allow to play games at all. Or wait.... If this site give a game shitty score, than it is good right? Because it seems to bash good games.

So high score, shit game, low score, good game. Got ya!

Oh my god, are you deleting peoples comments? Lol grow up and do a real review. lol

Hey, this publicity stunt worked, it got me here and I've never heard of this site before. Unfortunately, after reading what a joke this review is I sure as hell won't come back. If I was running this site Tom Chick would be fiiiired...he sacrificed the reputation of this site as a whole for a temporary spike in traffic.

I have to agree with Tom. Campaign sucked. The perfect halfway point for previous Halo titles was, in 4, right before the last level. A four hour campaign in a retail-price game is depressing. The plot is virtually non-existant, the Mammoth level is BORING, and the move of making multiplayer's ranking system similar to Black Ops is a terrible idea. And when we said we wanted to fight the Flood, we didn't mean "We want players to dress up as the Flood so we can shoot them and say we're fighting the Flood."

Spartan Ops is a friggin' joke. No death limit means that the mode has literally no reprecussions or risks, so there's no challenge aside from avoiding a five second timeout.

As you say, if Tom did his research than he'd know about AIs having a life span of seven years. I feel like the writers of 4 assumed we'd read all the books, which we haven't. Maybe then the campaign wouldn't have so many plot holes.

Your review lost all credibility on the spelling and grammatical errors plus the complete ignorance to some facts that you would have learned had you read the Halo books. If you had read the books you would have known that AI's do indeed have a life span and the reason the flood didn't come back is because while they were in vicinity of a halo, if we follow the process of how the other flood were released, they would of had to unlock and unleash the flood from their prison. For the flood to be on that space station the flood would have then had to sneak on board of a ship and infect everyone else. However the flood was unleashed or they were not on that halo thus rendering that remark moot.

ignorants? Ignorance*

Realdomdom was not replying to the author of the article.

If that's the reason Tom Chick wrote this review, then you're doing it wrong by giving him attention...

Really? You're going to try and apply that lame youtube joke people make to get top comments to articles now?

6.5 tops. This game was boring compared to my recent experiences with Mass Effect, Battlefield 3, Resistance 3, ect. Heck, the cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid 4 combined are longer than the entire campaign of Halo 4.

We get it, Matthew; Every time you post, you need to figure out a way to insult playstation. Xbot exposed.

Why does it matter if it's an FPS or not? A good game is a good game. Shouldn't matter what camera angle you are playing from...

I think nicholas's point is that warped metacritic scores are less significant than actual game of the year awards. I'm going to have to agree with him. Metacritic scores don't really matter when each reviewer has a different reviewing standard. Uncharted GOTY awards are beyond impressive. Don't even try to deny it.