Halo Infinite - What is it?

Definely. Most of my Halo experiences are playing with friends, especially the campaigns.

Does it really? Given the huge missteps Microsoft and 343 have made trying to release Halo Infinite, why is it odd that they’re being discussed here? Are they not being discussed elsewhere? If I go onto Reddit or Twitter or other forums, is no one talking about about these missteps? Are they only talking about the “stellar reviews” the game got?

The only thing “odd” is you trying to paint widespread disappointment with elements of the latest Halo as “odd”.


Hi, you must be new here. :)

It’s one thing to discuss the problems with the game, it’s another entirely to declare it a failure the day before it actually releases.

The doom a d gloom about the longevity of the game and how multiplayer is already written off as doomed to failure is what’s odd. The failures are acknowledged and routinely discussed here and elsewhere. Here, it just means the game is likely doomed. As Qt3 does.

I mean, everything is likely d0med. If you predict failure you’ll be correct much more often than not, and that HRose-blog-esque hill can be a fun spot to occupy, if a bit of a downer for everybody else. I’m as guilty of that as anybody, and I have to actively fight the impulse.

Fair point!

Who did that? If it’s in this thread, I missed it.

It’s not the least bit “odd” to discuss the godawful progression, the lack of co-op, and the game’s widely-known tech issues. Anyone who says otherwise is either new to the internet or is being disingenuous.


Oh Dave did, a bit further up. I think that’s probably what people were talking about.

Again, who in this thread said Halo was doomed to failure? I understand the world needs a Halo Defense Brigade now more than ever, but I don’t understand why they’re deploying here.


Guess you have your own perception of what you read here. Good for you! You don’t need to live under that cloud of constant d0medness. :)

Really? I’m part of a Halo Defense Brigade now? That’s amusing.

I’m so glad Qt3 is home to posters who see through all the propaganda and tell it like it is. The fact that some of us see them as a bit over gloomy on some topics does not a Defense Brigade make.

That’s the world we live in now, it’s all open warfare about everything all the time. Now sling your shootin’ iron, Tex, there’s a hill to charge! It must be around here somewhere.

Again, where? Here’s what I saw him write:

Such an “odd” comment! So strange, exotic, odd, unusual, so unlike anything being posted on the internet! We’re so mean to Halo on this forum, us haters!

It’s home to people who like to talk about games, and sometimes that discussion might not be in line with your own enthusiasm. That doesn’t mean you need to try to discredit it by erecting straw men to argue against (e.g. “all the doom and gloom is so odd!” or “I’m so glad Qt3 is home to posters who see through all the propaganda and tell it like it is!”).


Well, you did label others Defense Brigade. Hey, it’s your living room. You can give people all the labels you want.

I like what Jeff Gerstmann wrote about Halo Infinite, even though he pretty much writes like a teenager. Infinite is probably not worth $60 but if you’ve already got Game Pass why not give it a shot?

He said it wasn’t an instant hit like Fortnite and thus was d0med. I replied that really you need to wait 90 days after release to reasonably make that determination, it’s impossible to tell what people will enjoy.

Don’t clutch your pearls too tightly! You’re going to want to save some of your grip strength for the Star Citizen thread.


That’s the conversation I saw too. And likely justified speculation that releasing coop 6 months after the main campaign is out will severely limit its usefulness and interest. I very much agree with that. Halo is coop for me and that’s a major point against me playing the campaign until coop is in. :/

Smooth. Thanks Tom