Halo Multiplayer = shit

What Jon R. talks about is precisely what I had to deal with on CoFR servers. Their illusions of righteousness actually create an environment that rivals any l33t kiddie-run server. Play well and the resident CoFR members will start trying to create any excuse to ban you, to the point of screaming obscenities at you in voice-comm and considering any response of yours to be “bad sportsmanship” and grounds for banning. I remember a couple of nights with drunken CoFR “officers” basically grief-killing everybody not wearing their tag, and all of the underlings supporting it as if they were the only righteous people in the world.

I think I ended up saying “if you don’t want competent players here, why not put something in your MOTD rather than trying to brand them all bad sports?”, and putting it into the Never Ping category. That was just prior to the entire game going in there.

You know there’s a sickness running rampant through online games like CS when the “mature adult” communities are still more disgusting than any behavior you’d encounter offline.

In the early days, we didn’t need CoFR, not even if they actually were what they thought they were. All they’ve ever been is a horrible misrepresentation of what mature gaming really is.

Now expect 5-10 of their members to register for this site and go nuts. Mob mentality runs quite deep.