Happy Thanksgiving 2018!

I am still recovering from Thanksgiving. But not enough to slip and recklessly buy Fallout '76-- which I want to do.

Rich is an awesome gif giver.

I did! I saw it for $39.99 at gmg, I believe, so my wife and I picked it up. I was weak…

Now I need to go check out the game thread for it.

I am very, very tired.

Also reminded that no matter how hard I try, I just don’t like very much traditional Thanksgiving fare.

But my gf LOVES a lot of that stuff, especially turkey and pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes and green beans, so it really warms my heart perfecting recipes for those things to her tastes each year :)

I think Armando wins the Qt3 Damn Nice Guy Award for 2018.


In the end, food is one of the ways I show I care for people. She’s not super big into food, but finding the little things that she can genuinely love is a real delight for me, even 15 years in <3