Hardees sells 1,420 calorie burger

I never want to eat at In&Out, ever.

There’s a guy at work that orders a bacon cheesburger every day for lunch. He got one look at the video for the new Hardee’s burger (yep-they have a video) and immediately said “that’s delicious.” He’s one of those guys that eats like a sump but still stays skinny as a goddamed rail, and he really would eat the whole package meal version. He’s thus far been stymied by the fact that there’s no Hardee’s close enough to work for him to make the pilgrimage during his lunch break :-)

I get a little nauseated at the idea of a 20x20, too. When I was in college I thought I could eat a lot, and in a contest I got three Double-Doubles (the winner ate four) and an order of fries down. There was no way I could eat another bite after that, and a 20x20 is just unthinkable.

Just chiming in to say I tried the Monster Thickburger for myself today. My experience was pretty much in line with JScott, right down to wishing for more bacon to balance the beef and the fries ending up in the trash. It’s only been half an hour for me though, and I’ll probably still be able to eat dinner when I get off work in about 3 hours, though it won’t be a big dinner. Of course, eating a lot has never been a problem with me. In Jr. High and High School, I could take down two footlong meatball subs from Subway in one sitting. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I could do it and not hate myself, and I did it once more this summer just to see if I still could. I’ll explode when my metabolism grinds to halt completely in a few years.