Hark! A Vagrant!

Isn’t this a scene from Carnivale?

“Go do some loner junk in the woods or something.”

I also love how her Wonder Woman is always chain-smoking.

Holy crap, Wolverine’s face in the last panel killed me.


Also, in case anyone missed the reference for the superhero theme, Kate Beaton will be one of the artists in Marvel’s Strange Tales II, coming out in October.


I love Skank Wonder Woman.

I don’t know why the inconsistent use of punctuation makes her comics so much funnier, but it does.

Seriously. I’d read an ongoing traditional comic book of Skank Wonder Woman.

“Odysseus and his Crew Encounter the Facebook Peril” gave me a great laugh: http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=270

You might need to watch the Duckface video (NSFW language) to get it:

don’t forget the original skank wonder woman:


Interesting. According to her notes it could be inferred that her version of WW is because of Watchmen.

She’s been posting some great ones on her Twitter about her parents’ visiting her.

Her dad is far too fun.

I love her biographical comics almost more than her history comics sometimes.


The third is the best, I think.

Man, looking that cover art is transporting me right back to third grade. My local library had a fairly substantial set of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew novels, and I think I read through them all two or three times at least.

Oh, crap. I just realized my copy of The Secret in the Old Attic is about 30 years overdue. Sorry, Prince William County Public Library System!

Not really appreciating the Nancy Drew strips. I think she needs to do more with Andrew Jackson.