Hark! A Vagrant!

I love this one for two lines:




By the way, my gf absolutely loves the one with the cat, because they (cats) ARE in fact asholes and hers behaves the exact same way.

It’s some sort of platonic ideal of cat assholeness.

She’s in the New Yorker this week:

Further proof of the theory that every New Yorker cartoon can be captioned ‘Christ, what an asshole!’ (Still a good cartoon though)


Turns out I don’t have as many pictures of Katy as I thought (I was expecting at least six)! But here’s one from a party we both attended back in April '04:

Katy’s the one in the middle.


Forget Kate Beaton, tell us about Jason Siegel. Is he as nice as he seems?


No, that’s another guy entirely, who was our business manager/money guy at the paper.

All that bookstuff is hard to understand. Who are all these people? Why are they not making jokes about video games? I don’t get it.

I’m finding it kind of sad that I actually know you’re named after a relatively minor recurring character in Stargate: Atlantis. Sigh. Such a shitty show.

(Oops, wikipedia says that Kolya can be a nickname for Nikolay, and was also a movie or something. So maybe I’m wrong)

He’s been using that handle since at least 2002.

Oh. His join date says '06, so I figured… eh.

French Revolution Comics

So good.

Traitor baby!

Does this pike make me look fat?

Ha ha, the traitor baby one is my new favorite.

Wow. That’s just balls, man. Bravo.
