Harley Quinn - HBO's Best DC Property

“Do you know what’s going on out there?”


Best show.

Valentines Day special, bitches!!!

I had no clue this was happening and I am oh so happy that it is.

Oh fuck yes.

Well, now I’m conflicted. On the one hand, screw a service that’s simultaneously jettisoning content left and right and somehow raising prices despite that. On the other, that of course looks great.

The primary reason I’m keeping my HBO Max subscription is Harley Quinn.

This show’s about the only thing that would make me consider reactivating it, honestly.

Reminder, the Valentine’s day episode dropped today.

Reminder, it’s a great episode.

Clayface’s story seemed like maybe it was cribbing a bit from Doom Patrol.

Maybe the other way round - don’t forget the first season episode where Clayface lost his arm, and his arm bonded with Jim Gordon.

I guess I have forgotten that, and also forgotten the Doom Patrol episode that references it?

But anyway I was talking about the butts with teeth.

That sing, no less.

As a fan of both shows, I am perfectly content with them cribbing notes off one another; I’m just sad Doom Patrol’s show is coming to an end. At least we’ll have this jem until some heartless bean counter acts the fool; I absolutely loved the Valentine’s Day special, and look forward to many more episodes.

That would be truly, truly outrageous.

That Valentine’s Day special. My god. It was. AMAZING. I swear, this show is now neck and neck with Batman: The Animated Series as not only my favorite cartoon ever, but but best animated thing DC has ever done. It’s like they made the special AT me. I’m just floored.

FYI, the first 3 episodes of season 4 dropped yesterday.

It’s been picked up for another season.

Amazing, I’ll totally renew once it’s back.