Hitman III - Hat trick of Death

Thanks. That is a relief. I would upgrade to Hitman 3 for the saving on SSD space alone. ;-) Plus I really enjoy the prior two games; hard to see how they could screw III up (he says, fingers crossed over the debacle that was Cyberpunk 2077).

The cheevo/trophy information is out, so if you want to spoil yourself what the other destinations are, spoil away!

Some gameplay videos are also already out.

EDIT: Huh, IOI themselves don’t consider the actual locations as spoilers. It’s up to you!

Keep in mind that Epic still hasn’t enabled these for their client except for Ark.

I don’t think that’s true. I definitely viewed my achievements for Hades on Epic. (Not saying it was a great user interface, but the achievements are there).

Well maybe Hades too. I just know Achievements aren’t a wide release yet.

The Epic Games Store has achievements?


Not for most games. The only one I was aware of was Ark. I guess Hades too, but I don’t have that on EGS, so I can’t tell.

Supposedly the feature is still in testing.

Let’s see, @Jason_McMaster called the Xbox ones Cheevos, and the Steam ones Steamies. Let’s shorten Epic to Pic. Can we call these Pixies Jason?

Right. I basically meant that as a rhetorical question. :)

Achievements don’t matter unless they’re part of a larger ecosystem, so the Epic Games Store does NOT have achievements in any meaningful way. Steam has achivements. Uplay has achivements. Xbox Live and the Playstation have achievements. The Epic Games Store does not have achievements, which is one of its many half-assed attempts at competing with other digital distribution.


Looks like there’s a spreadsheet tracking this:

I don’t know that achievements really matter in the first place, but why does the size of the ecosystem matter? The value I get out of them is independent on other games, and on the number of friends I have on that platform.

Uh… right, I wasn’t posting at all about who does or doesn’t have trophies. It’s just that you can spoil yourself what the locations are by looking them up. Which I did, because I’m dumb.

What I actually wanted to see is if there are trophies for Hitman I and II in Hitman III. And yes, there are trophies for the old locations.

Maybe they want you to replay all levels and get mastery level 20 all over again, which would be technically impossible if your save file is imported wholesale. Then again, maybe when your save file uploads (or rather, you log in to the server), you get 40-50 trophies just by booting up the game.

This is as close as it gets to a completionist orgasm, I’d say.

I don’t care a lot for achievements, but I care even less for ecosystems.

For most people, achievements don’t exist in the vacuum of a single game. They’re a collection. If I’m playing games on the Epic Games Store and 95% of my games don’t have achievements, I’m probably not going to care about achievements. If, on the other hand, I’m playing on Xbox Live and they’re something integrated into all the games and further integrated into my profile and my friends lists, I’m far more likely to care about achievements.

Achievements 101, @jsnell! Which you apparently haven’t taken as part of your videogame curriculum because you think “achievements don’t really matter”.


“Achievements don’t matter to me”, and what Tom just described are equally valid approaches to achievements. But so is caring about achievements selectively, and only in the context of the games themselves.

I can’t remember the last time I looked at what achievements any of my friends had, and I don’t go into every game interested in achievements, but when I find a game I really like, and one that I think I’d like to “100%” as a verb, I look up the achievements and see if they seem attainable, and if I get them all, that’s pretty satisfying. No matter which of my friends got them, or how many other games I finished without even looking at the achievement list once.

So yeah, I’m still working on Hades, and it’s too soon to know if I’m going to be able to stay on top of the difficulty curve and unlock everything, but I’ve definitely got my eye on it as a possibility for pursuing achievements. And I’m playing the Epic store version, and it never once occurred to me to care what other Epic games have them.

The theoretical (and optimistic) end here is I will be proud to say I got all the achievements for Hades, not that I’m proud I bumped up my Epic Games Profile gamerscore or whatever they have.

If I had a lot of gamer friends, I can imagine being interested in their recent achievements in a game I’m also playing.

But I don’t. So I don’t care about them.

To bring things back to Hitman, most of the achievements I’ve seen are simple ones; “beat Sapienza”, “completed X escalation”, and the like. If they were more granular and specific—essentially offering achievements for particular level feats or assassinations—they’d be a lot more interesting to me. “Took out the Trash” (dispose of 2 targets dressed as custodian, don’t get seen) would be cool to see on my dashboard. But there are dozens of feats and challenges and assassination tricks for each location, far too many to make achievements out of all of them, and only choosing certain ones for achievements would prioritize those, somehow making them ‘matter’ more.

So forget it. I like the challenges / feats model a lot more than achievements, anyway.

Bring on more Hitman!

I’ve been playing escalations from H1 and H2 in anticipation, and it’s fun to revisit these places I’ve spent so much time in, and also great to see how escalations have changed.

Anyone else do escalations before tackling the main story in a location? I find them a great way to learn parts of the level in great detail.

I do them after the main mission. They’re my favorite part of the game.

ExoPhase has helped me enjoy getting achievements on all ecosystems. I can see all my achievements across all platforms in one place.

Extremely bad news for PC players. Basically, if you buy the game on epic you will not be able to play the previous games content without rebuying them. Hitman 1 will be available for free, but, if I read it correctly, it’ll be unable to play it unless you rebuy Hitman 2.

Because they were saying all progression would move over, and I was excited to have it all in one place, I recently purchased the Hitman 2 gold edition, giving me the two final maps. This means if I want to play all of this in the epic version of Hitman 3, I will have to rebuy Hitman to gold edition. 80% off a potentially $80 purchase is still 16 bucks, for games I already own, and that they already know that I own, based on my player data in the IOI account that they own.

I love this new series but this sucks.

Or just wait for the proper release later.