Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

Which is a pity given HW2’s original design docs, where terrain was meant to be a huge feature. The game was supposed to be played among the ruins of megastructures, with ships types including “turrets” that would have to attach to the terrain to fight efficiently. Basically, the backgrounds (mostly m06, m07 and m08) where not supossed to be backgrounds but terrain. Apparently they couldn’t/had time to get the necessary technology working.

The “Expedition Guide” that came with pre-orders is beautiful. It is an interactive lore manual, with great concept art, 3D models, and good writitng. While it would have been better on an iPad instead of in game, it really screams effort. Not many games have things like this anymore; it made me think of it as a modern Ultima lore manual.


Some flaks reported that at first play the game defaulted to your integrated graphics, you have to fix settings to force use of your primary graphics, and this was causing exactly what you experienced. On regular cards the game is glorious.

I recommend you try it again if you enjoy homeworld 1/2, as most likely this was the problem.

Oh, this game. Come on. Do I not already have a lifetime backlog? Sighs.

Thanks, but I did notice that, and changed it to the right graphics card - The lag was still there, unfortunately, but I appreciate the suggestion!

This is what you get for having wind power your computers.

FWIW, I’m really enjoying the campaign.

I have been hearing a lot of positive things about this game including on the most recent Gamers With Jobs podcast where Rob Zacny (among others) speaks quite highly of it. Not sure if I will purchase it out of the gate at $50, but I will be very tempted with even a modest sale down the road. Sounds just perfect for someone like myself that dabbles with single player RTS experiences. I guess there are a lot of nice little touches like the unit animations and a soundscape that takes a lot of inspiration from the original Homeworld titles.

Pleasantly surprised!


This game is gorgeous! Love the stark desert and its much cheaper than going to Glamis.

I don’t care about the campaign, but I do love me some RTS skirmish. Have you heard anything about how that is?

Total Biscuit had some pretty harsh words for the skirmish ai. In his WTF… he crushed the hardest difficulty while talking and barely paying attention.

Eww, thanks!

There are also only five maps at the moment, if I heard correctly.

Don’t get me wrong though- I am looking for reasons to buy this game.

I’ve been playing it whole day and it is good. Homeworld has all traits modern RTS fan want to see in game.

But the company is really short - (

I am up to the last mission. Normally I think RTS single player campaigns are a terrible bore but this one kept me engaged as did the original Homeworld. On normal it is not difficult though… it’s not super long so I will probably replay it on hard at some point.

That’s one more than the new Battlefront!

Really love the RTS gameplay in this, and the campaign has been enjoyable so far. However, there are definitely areas that could still use some expanding (especially the skirmish mode). Its a shame that Gearbox couldn’t wait a bit longer to release this, as it could have really used 3-4 more months to add some more features and maps. Hopefully it will get good post-release support (the devs have said they plan on releasing free and paid dlc). Really like this game, really hope that it doesn’t end up in RTS purgatory with so many other recent games.

Too bad, I was really looking forward to a new RTS. I would love to have something with the Mechanics of Dark Reign, where you could set your units to automatically go for repairs at a certain point, or scout and harras. That just made the game for me.