Horizon Zero Dawn - Postapocalyptic cavewoman vs Zoids

Wow, this game is really pretty. I jumped in on the PS4 Pro bandwagon last week primarily for Nioh but Horizon is considerably more impressive. I had no idea it was so heavily indebted to The Witcher 3. HUZZAH to that!!!

It sounds like this is the same engine being used to make Death Stranding, so that’s going to be … sort of crazy looking. Crazy awesome, I bet.

Yup. It’s the Decima Engine.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to ‘Death Stranding’ as a game title. It just sounds too goofy. Kinda like ‘President Trump.’

It sure beats the hell out of GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst. Every time I see that game appear on the carousal in Steam I give an involuntary twitch.

What?! That’s the best name! You’re eating gods! In a burst of rage!


Think I watched a rage eating video on YouTube. Stuff’s weird.

For stupid titles, nothing beats Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code.

You guys are the worst at picking the worst names.

I’d love to see you use that one in a sentence.

So, is this playable on a normal Ps4? I’ve seen so many people buying a Ps4 Pro in this thread that I’m beginning to wonder if it is required instead of optional…

To reply to myself:

some research found me this video:


Which makes me wonder all the more: is that little increase in resolution really worth buying a Ps4 pro for? For many people apparently the answer is yes, but I have to admit I don’t really get it?

Will get the game though. Definitely!

I’m playing it on a regular PS4 and I think it looks and plays fantastic.

Same here. If you don’t have a 4k TV then it’s probably not worth it right now.

Echo: PS4 runs wonderfully. I posted a couple screenshots in the QT3 community . Both were on my regular ol PS4. It is sill beautiful.

On the PS4 the game runs smooth and looks pretty. I have not seen anything that look like a tradeoff of quality for speed, but obviusly this a console game from the bottom, the ceiling is not very high.

Is strange how much this game feels like a Elders Scroll game and a Fallout game. Vaults = Dwemer ruins. I guest is his own thing.

Yup game is amazing on a regular PS4. Played for a few more hours last night, just kicking around the starting area. Wound up with enough metal bits to buy all the starting weapons off the vendor and did quite a few bag upgrades, even managing to max out my crafting storage bag. Really really enjoying myself so far.

It is being bought as we speak. The ‘Planet Earth 2’- video up above (and particularly the superb ending of that video) sealed it. Looking forward to trying it out later!

I bought the game, took it home and played it on my regular PS4 for about an hour. Then I bought a PS4 pro. The different, to me, was this - in the regular PS4, to me, the game had a weird “trailing” effect where it almost seemed like a slight ghost image was left from the character when she moved.

That video was also made a couple of weeks ago. There was a day one patch that allowed for super-sampling for 1080p TVs and a bunch of other stuff. The PS4 Pro allows you to turn on the options that aren’t available on the regular. It makes a pretty big difference, believe it or not, and I’m not on 4K. Here’s a more in-depth video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y8u7MvuArA

I have a 1080p TV. I bought the Pro for more than just this game because the patch that’s about to come out will give boosts to all standard PS4 titles.

As with everything, it depends on what matters to you at the end of the day. For me, I love my PS4 and plan on playing a lot more on it, so it doesn’t bother me to upgrade it.

Fair enough! I for one don’t think I’ll be able to see or really appreciate the small differences, but that is indeed something that doesn’t matter too much to me, while it can certainly mean a lot to others. So by all means, enjoy! I was just worried I might buy a game that was near implayable on a normal Ps4.