Hot Fuzz Movie

In the conversation for greatest comedy of all time.

We’re still catching new things about it. For example, my wife never noticed that PC Doris Thatcher was at the Church’s Fete with two men.

Hello Nicholas. How’s the hand?

We never tire of this movie.

It’s one of the best.

Indeed, with so many little details. My wife only just noticed Nicholas’ number is 777.

It is good, right behind Shaun of the Dead.


It is definitely in my top three favorite Cornetto trilogy movies.

Speaking of which, why can we still not have them in the US?

Wait what?

British ice cream treat. Basically just your frozen ice cream in a cone thing like you can get in the US, but these are amazing. The movie trilogy is named after it.

OHHH you mean the actual ice cream, got it, I misunderstood.

Sorry for the confusion. It’s just really odd they aren’t in the US after 30-40 years. The company has ice cream under the Magnum name in the US, but not the cones.

Maybe they figure they can’t compete with drumsticks.

Go to England, then come talk to me. :-P

Edit to add: have a Cornetto while you are there.

I am only speculating on the motives of the company. Perhaps they figure there is only room enough in the market for one freezer cone.

That, and Cornetto are positively tiny.