Hot girl at work dilemma! Halp!

Can I change my facebook status from married to “rifle in the gun cabinet of monogamy”?


This is a dilemma?

Pound her until your penis shoots naught but small puffs of air. Then go to a free clinic. It’s free!

PS the fact that you are asking if you should do this as opposed to what you should do now that you’ve already done it is very disappointing.

Sometimes it is easier to do the deed and then just ask for forgiveness…

Wrap it, child support takes 21 years to pay off.

And they can cure absolutely anything so there’s no concern! Go go go!

“Guys, there’s this person of the opposite sex who I find attractive and who seems to find me attractive as well. We get along great and make one another laugh and are apparently very compatible. She and I are going out this weekend. Man, is my life crazy or what?”

If you need to have absurd humblebragging explained further, let us know.

The fact that you have to post on the internet to ask if this is acceptable says all that needs to be said.

Wallington: Little hoodrat friend as in hood of car and indie music reference, not hood as in hood.

Damn it!

In that case, I’m going to go with, “I’d jump over fifty good pussies just to get to one fat boy’s asshole.”

You missed the part where this type of situation was so commonplace for him that hooking up with her might be less important than keeping things from possibly getting awkward at a theater job that one or both of them will have probably quit in a few months anyway.

Jobs are pretty serious business. Were I dating someone at work, I would be quite worried about problems with the job.

Sadly, I don’t have that problem. Instead, I have the “studying for my exam” problem. :)

Keep in mind that if you do go through with it, everyone you work with will know by the next morning.

Yeah, and if you’re one of those premature ejaculators, this can be a harrowing experience.

Yeah, he’d probably ejaculate right as people were talking about it, I bet.

Sounds like you have some firsthand experience with that. :(

More like both hands, amirite???

Years ago, I worked with a young woman who was as into me as I was to her-- we shared a great rapport, a solid connection, similar sense of humor, the whole works. She was smart, funny, and beautiful-- and I generally only look for any combination of two of those things to be attracted to someone. However, my boss was a big fan of the “you can’t date anyone who works at the company, because they could sue us or something”, and NEVER wasted an opportunity to lecture on it.

Nothing ever happened between us, but the one night I gave her a lift home was probably the single best night I’ve ever had with someone with my clothes on. But I never followed up on it because, hey, my career, right?

Truth be told, in retrospect, I think my life would have been much better had kept the girl than the job.

I say go for it.

While I’m not literally ROTFL, I did need to cover my face with a pillow so I wouldn’t have to explain to my girlfriend why I was laughing so hard. Who I met at work, by the way.