How do you wipe your bottom?

It’s still number 2 response here. For “Tim Elhajj”, I mean.

Number 1 for me. Awesomesauce.

Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected.

Much more public than intended, I’d say.

I’m’a stay outta this one because 1) Who gives a shit? HAR HAR HAR and 2) it’s mere minutes before Tom bashes this thread with the stupid-hammer.

Here y’go, Steve. Cornhole defined.

This is a reeeeaaally old thread Repo. Good morning to you too!

I nominate this for Worst Thread Resurrection Ever.

You think even really old threads are safe from the stupid hammer?

I kind of picture it as something like the gravity hammer, only wielded with much more force, and only Tom can use it.

A guy in our state legislature is trying to get Cornhole made our official state game. Sad but true.

I wish Tom would delete this thread. :(

It serves as a cautionary tale.

Have you asked him? Maybe he’d do you a solid.

Does deleting the thread actually remove it from the Google results though?

I kinda like if the thread is deleted. It would pass on into legend, known only to the Qt3 elders.

Your idea is shit!

Not instantly, but relatively quickly, yes – otherwise, google would be nothing but links to non-existent pages.

This is not the kind of thread that draws me to QuarterToThree.

I wish you hadn’t spent years filling the forum with threads like this one. You seemed to have a lot of fun with them, and with the penis threads, and the other penis threads, and the still more penis threads, at the time.

I love that song.

I dunno. Now that EE has become everyone’s fucking LiveJournal, Tim’s old threads feel like an early attempt at a vaccine against stupid.