How Geeky are ya?

Come on Tyjenks, surely 3000+ posts boosts you over 50%?

30.37475% - Total Geek

I should’ve gotten more credit for the transformers I have on my desk sitting next to my diarama of Moe’s bar featuring Duff Man.

37.something percent, Major Geek. I have had interest in a lot of the categories I didn’t check, but was either too lazy or not smart enough to ever do…

49.11243% - Super Geek :-/

30.76923% - Total Geek

18% - Geek.

The major oversight of that test for me was the exclusion of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension from the movie list.

13,5 - Geekish tendencies.

I guess the fact that I dropped out of the natural science classes in high school stopped my inner geek from growing strong. I did have time to make some BASIC programs for my calculator so I didn’t totally waste my time there though. Ah, what a geek I could have been.

Well, the male-female ratio of the posters on this board is something like 500-10. That should tell you something.

I was all over the Trivial pursuit type questions as I know just enough about a broad base of things to get myself into conversations or make myself look like a total idiot.

Just proves I am a relatively average geek with waaay too much downtime at work. My wife and I went to a strip club together two weeks ago and while it did not ask specifically about that type of thing, I think the survey gleaned that from my answers and subtracted points.

If they had asked about number of times called a “fag” or “queer” in high school, I would have bolted up the scale. There needed to be more question in that vein.

How old were you when you had your first “real” kiss?
First sex not with yourself?
How often do you go w/o washing your hair?
Or bathing?
Is depression and apathy a cyclical occurence?
Or a pasttime?
Do you know the name Sparky?
Do you enjoy her “work” in forum postings?
Have you ever PMed her due to a post you thought may have offended her with the result being you made yourself look like even more of a raving lunatic?
Are you crying as you do this quiz?
Are you laughing hysterically?

EDIT: I realize these questions are not in the proper format. If that is a problem for you geeks, bite me. :!:

Do moms count? :)

EDIT: I realize these questions are not in the proper format. If that is a problem for you geeks, bite me. :!:

I would, but I’m trying to avoid red meat.

My answer was going to be 18 years of age, but now I remember. I did kiss your Mom when I was 14, Kalle. :wink: just kidding :wink:

How old were you when you had your first “real” kiss?
Define “real” kiss. Do non-romantic friends count?

First sex not with yourself?
I’m going to need a very specific definition here… Though seeing how I’m 21 now, and my prognosis looks good for not needing that definition pretty soon, I’ll say 21.

How often do you go w/o washing your hair?
If there’s a shower/water available, I use it once a day.

Or bathing?
Bathing is filthy, I shower. Also, I lack a bathtub.

Is depression and apathy a cyclical occurence?
Well, kinda but…

Or a pasttime?
…it’s a pastime.

Do you know the name Sparky?

Do you enjoy her “work” in forum postings?

Have you ever PMed her due to a post you thought may have offended her with the result being you made yourself look like even more of a raving lunatic?
No… And I’m sure she didn’t need your pm to think of you as a raving lunatic ;)

Are you crying as you do this quiz?
Nah. Not much.

Are you laughing hysterically?

Do you still tell mom jokes? Now there’s a question for the quiz.

knock, knock

who’s there?

your mom

your mom who?

Can I wear those Hulk hands? The one’s that roar?
It’s a messed up test. There’s no question, for example, asking if you wrote over 175 pages of text detailing and outlining your D&D gameworld from the ancient past all the way to your epic campaign. There’s no question asking if you’ve ever won a state-wide Metal figurine painting contest. Or if you’ve actually mapped a fantasy novel world on hex paper. Or if you abandoned the D&D rules in favor of a combat system you created, from scratch. Or if you ever posted, on a message board, that you felt the Y-Wing was superior to an X-Wing. Or if you ever wrote poetry about a D&D character. Or if you ever argued with someone about whether or not Orcs would be green in color based on whether or not it’s “realistic”. Or if you ever wrote a bunch of words defending your geek status after scoring low on a bullshit geek test…

I got 21%. I can sleep at night and I don’t need your goddam charity, thank you.

I rolled characters, made modules, and played D&D by myself 99% of the time. I have reams of graph paper with maps and legends at the bottom. That should alter my score somehow.

58.57988% - Extreme Geek

A friend of mine in sanfran asked me to interview with his company as an “IT Guy / Game Designer”. That’s the geekiest job title I can think of. I can’t do it, though; I’m afraid of earthquakes, tidal waves, and VX nerve gas.

I wanted to take it, but damn it was way too long. Got about 1/4 of the way through before I noticed my browser slider wasnt moving much.


Well, I checked “argued about which Trek is best” because they didn’t have “argued about which Trek is worst”, which is pretty much the same geekiness I guess.

You should get MAJOR points for anything SCA related. I never touched that particular geek-fest organization, but MAN…now THAT is some geek-tastic stuff right there.

I’m - 31.55819% - Total Geek

I would think that being Tech Editor is geekier. Maybe. Not that it’s a competition…I’m embarassed enough to have scored in the 30s.

The sad thing is, if I had taken that test like 5 years ago, I would have scored much higher. I’ve given up some of my geekier habits.

I got the impression most of the questions were along the lines of “have you ever…” not “do you now…” I’d have scored quite a bit lower were it not for ages 14-17.

BONUS: Did you choose to spend the money you’d saved working at a fast food place on a VIC 20, instead of buying your first car, in high school?

Did you ever pit Gods from Dieties & Demigods against each other in 1v1 battles with a friend… or alone?